Configuring EFM v23

TPA will install and configure EFM when failover_manager is set to efm.

Note that EFM is only available via EDB's package repositories and requires a valid subscription.

EFM configuration

TPA will generate efm.nodes and with the appropriate instance-specific settings, with remaining settings set to the respective default values. TPA will also place an script which basically contains nothing by default and leaves it up to the user to fill it in however they want.

See the EFM documentation for more details on EFM configuration.


You can use efm_conf_settings to set any parameters, whether recognised by TPA or not. Where needed, you need to quote the value exactly as it would appear in

     standby.restart.delay: 1 quarry
     reconfigure.num.sync: true
     reconfigure.num.sync.max: 1
     reconfigure.sync.primary: true

If you make changes to values under efm_conf_settings, TPA will always restart EFM to activate the changes.

EFM witness

TPA will install and configure EFM as witness on instances whose role contains efm-witness.


EFM works as a failover manager and therefore TPA will still install repmgr for setting up postgresql replicas. repmgrd i.e. repmgr's daemon remains disabled in this case and repmgr's only job is to provided replication setup functionality.