How TPA uses 2ndQuadrant and EDB repositories v23

This page explains the package sources from which TPA can download EDB (including 2ndQuadrant) software, how the source varies depending on the selected software, and how to configure access to each source.

Note that this page only describes the special configuration options and logic for EDB and 2ndQuadrant sources. Arbitrary yum or apt repositories can be added independently of the logic described here. Likewise, packages can be downloaded in advance and added to a local repository if preferred.

Package sources used by TPA

TPA downloads software from three package sources. Each of these sources provides multiple repositories. In some cases, the same software is available from more than one source.

By default, TPA will select sources and repositories automatically based on the architecture and other options you have specified, so it is not generally necessary to change these. However, you will need to ensure that you have a valid subscription for all the sources used and that you have exported the token before running tpaexec deploy or the operation will fail.

Authenticating with package sources

To use EDB Repos 2.0 you must export EDB_SUBSCRIPTION_TOKEN=xxx before you run tpaexec. You can get your subscription token from the web interface.

To use 2ndQuadrant repositories, you must export TPA_2Q_SUBSCRIPTION_TOKEN=xxx before you run tpaexec. You can get your subscription token from the 2ndQuadrant Portal, under "Company info" in the left menu, then "Company". Some repositories are available only by prior arrangement.

To use EDB Repos 1.0 you must create a text file that contains your access credentials in the username:password format and run export EDB_REPO_CREDENTIALS_FILE=/path/to/credentials/file before you run tpaexec.

If you do not have an account for any of the sites listed, you can register for access at

How sources are selected by default

For M1 and BDR-Always-ON architectures, the default source is 2ndQuadrant and the necessary repositories will be added from this source. For software that is not available from this source (e.g EDB Advanced Server), repositories will be selected from EDB Repos 1.0.

If the PGD-Always-ON architecture is selected, repositories will be selected from EDB Repos 2.0 and all software will be sourced from these repositories.

Specifying EDB 2.0 repositories

To specify the complete list of repositories from EDB Repos 2.0 to install on each instance, set edb_repositories to a list of EDB repository names:

    - enterprise
    - postgres_distributed

This example will install enterprise subscription repository as well as postgres_distributed giving access to EPAS and BDR4+ products. On Debian and Ubuntu systems, it will use the APT repository, and on RedHat systems, it will use the YUM repository.

If any EDB repositories are specified, any 2ndQuadrant repositories specified will be ignored and no EDB Repos 1.0 will be installed.

Specifying 2ndQuadrant repositories

To specify the complete list of 2ndQuadrant repositories to install on each instance in addition to the 2ndQuadrant public repository, set tpa_2q_repositories to a list of 2ndQuadrant repository names:

    - products/pglogical3/release
    - products/bdr3/release

This example will install the pglogical3 and bdr3 release repositories. On Debian and Ubuntu systems, it will use the APT repository, and on RedHat systems, it will use the YUM repository.

The dl/default/release repository is always installed by default, unless you

  • explicitly set tpa_2q_repositories: [], or
  • have at least one entry in edb_repositories.

Either or the above will result in no 2ndQuadrant repositories being installed.