Configuring haproxy v23

TPA will install and configure haproxy on instances whose role contains haproxy.

By default, haproxy listens on for requests forwarded by pgbouncer running on the same instance. You must specify a list of haproxy_backend_servers to forward requests to.

TPA will install the latest available version of haproxy by default. You can install a specific version instead by setting haproxy_package_version: 1.9.15* (for example).

Note: see limitations of using wildcards in package_version in tpaexec-configure.

You can set the following variables on any haproxy instance.

VariableDefault valueDescription
haproxy_bind_address127.0.0.1The address haproxy should bind to
haproxy_port5432The TCP port haproxy should listen on
haproxy_backend_serversNoneA list of Postgres instance names
haproxy_maxconnmax_connections×0.9The maximum number of connections allowed per backend server; the default is derived from the backend's max_connections setting

Server options

TPA will generate /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg with a backend that has a default-server line and one line per backend server. All but the first one will be marked as "backup" servers.

Set haproxy_default_server_extra_options to a list of options on the haproxy instance to add options to the default-server line; and set haproxy_server_options to a list of options on the backend server to add options (which will override the defaults) to the individual server lines for each backend.


- Name: one
    - maxconn 33
- Name: two
- Name: proxy
  - haproxy
    - one
    - two
    - on-error mark-down
    - on-marked-down shutdown-sessions