Release notes v4

The EDB Pgpool-II documentation describes the latest version of EDB Pgpool-II, including minor releases and patches. The release notes provide information on what was new in each release. For new functionality introduced in a minor or patch release, the content also indicates the release that introduced the feature.

VersionRelease DateUpstream merges
4.4.22023 Feb 14Upstream 4.4.2
4.3.2, 4.2.9, 4.1.12, 4.0.19, 3.7.242022 Jul 05Upstream 4.3.2, 4.2.9, 4.1.12, 4.0.19, 3.7.24
4.3.02022 Feb 01Upstream 4.3.0
4.2.62021 Dec 01Upstream 4.2.6
4.2.52021 Jun 10Upstream 4.2.5 and 4.2.4