Application connection management v5
Managing application connections is an important part of high availability.
Especially with asynchronous replication, having consistent write lead node is important in order to avoid conflicts and guarantee availability for the application.
EDB Postgres Distributed provides a proxy layer called PGD-Proxy which is normally installed in highly available configuration (at least 2 instances per region).
The PGD-Proxy connects to one of the EDB Postgres Distributed nodes and monitors routing configuration changes as decided by the EDB Postgres Distributed cluster and ensures that the connections are routed to correct node(s) consistently.
The configuration of the routing is done through either SQL interfaces or through PGD-CLI.
The SQL interfaces are described in this section.
You can enable routing decisions by calling bdr.alter_node_group_option()
For example SELECT bdr.alter_node_group_option('region1-group', 'enable_proxy_routing', 'true')
It can be disabled again by setting the same option to false
There are additional group-level options that affect the routing decisions:
- route_writer_max_lag - Maximum lag in bytes of the new write candidate to be selected as write leader, if no candidate passes this, there will be no writer selected automatically.
- route_reader_max_lag - Maximum lag in bytes for node to be considered viable read-only node (currently reserved for future use).
Per node configuration of routing is set using bdr.alter_node_option()
. The
available options that affect routing are following:
- route_dsn - The dsn used by proxy to connect to this node.
- route_priority - Relative routing priority of the node against other nodes in the same node group.
- route_fence - Whether the node is fenced from routing (can't receive connections from PGD-Proxy)
- route_writes - Whether writes can be routed to this node, i.e. whether the node can become write leader.
- route_reads - Whether read only connections can be routed to this node (currently reserved for future use).
The proxies are also configured using SQL interfaces. You can add proxy configuration
using bdr.create_proxy
. For example SELECT bdr.create_proxy('region1-proxy1', 'region1-group');
will add default configuration for proxy named "region1-proxy1" that is member
of BDR group "region1-group". The name of the proxy given here must be same
as the name given in the proxy configuration file. Proxy configuration can be
removed using SELECT bdr.drop_proxy('region1-proxy1')
, such proxy will be
deactivated as a result.
Options for each proxy can be configured using bdr.alter_proxy_option()
The available option are:
- listen_address - Address the proxy should listen on.
- listen_port - Port the proxy should listen on.
- max_client_conn - Maximum number of connections the proxy will accept.
- max_server_conn - Maximum number of connections the proxy will make to the Postgres node.
- server_conn_timeout - Connection timeout for server connections.
- server_conn_keepalive - Keepalive interval for server connections.
The current configuration of every group is visible in the
view. Similarly, the
view shows current per node routing
configuration and bdr.proxy_config_summary
shows per proxy configuration.
It's also possible to do a switch-over operation (changing which node is
the write leader explicitly) using bdr.routing_leadership_transfer()
- On this page
- Configuration