Sending email notifications for a job v9

You can configure the settings in PEM console for sending the SMTP trap on success or failure of a system-generated job (listed under scheduled tasks) or a custom-defined agent job. For information on custom-defined agent job, see ‘Creating PEM Scheduled Jobs’. These email notification settings can be configured at following three levels (in order of precedence) to send email notifications to the specified user group:

  • Job level
  • Agent level
  • PEM server level (default level)

Configuring job notifications at job level

You can configure email notification settings at job level only for a custom-defined agent job in one of the following ways:

  • For a new agent job, you can configure the email notification settings in the Notification tab of Create-Agent Job wizard while creating the job itself.
  • For an existing custom-defined job, you can edit the properties of the job and configure the notification settings.

Job Notifications - Job level

Use the fields on the Notifications tab to configure the email notification settings on job level:

  • Use the Send the notifications field to specify when you want the email notifications to be sent.
  • Use the Email group field to specify the email group that should receive the email notification.

Configuring job notifications at agent level

Select the agent in the tree view, right click and select Properties. In the Properties dialog, select the Job notifications tab.

Job Notifications - Agent level

Use the fields on the Job notifications tab to configure the email notification settings on agent level:

  • Use the Override default configuration? switch to specify if you want the agent level job notification settings to override the default job notification settings. If you select Yes for this switch, you can use the rest of the settings on this dialog to define when and to whom the job notifications should be sent. Please note that the rest of the settings on this dialog work only if you enable the Override default configuration? switch.
  • Use the Email on job completion? switch to specify if the job notification should be sent on the successful job completion.
  • Use the Email on a job failure? switch to specify if the job notification should be sent on the failure of a job.
  • Use the Email group field to specify the email group to whom the job notification should be sent.

Configuring job notifications at server level

You can use the Server Configuration dialog to provide information about your email notification configuration at PEM server level. To open Server Configuration dialog, select Server Configuration... from the PEM client's Management menu.

Job notifications - Server level

Four server configuration parameters specify information about your job notification preferences at PEM server level:

  • Use the job_failure_notification switch to specify if you want to send email notification after each job failure.
  • Use the job_notification_email_group parameter to specify the email group that should receive the email notification.
  • Use the job_retention_time parameter to specify the number of days that non-recurring scheduled tasks should be retained in the system.
  • Use the job_status_change_notification switch to specify if you want to send email notification after each job status change, irrespective of its status being a failure, success, or interrupted.