Configuration Options v9

A number of aspects of PEM's behaviour can be controlled using global configuration options. Use the Server Configuration dialogue to manage Server Options. The configuration parameters used are listed below.

Please note that this list is subject to change.

Parameter nameValue/UnitDescription
audit_log_retention_time30 daysSpecifies the number of days that an audit log will be retained on the PEM server.
auto_create_agent_alertstrueSpecifies whether to create default agent level alerts automatically when an agent is registered.
auto_create_server_alertstrueSpecifies whether to create default server level alerts automatically when a server is bound to an agent.
chart_disable_bulletsfalseEnable/disable bullets on line charts on dashboards and Capacity Manager reports.
cm_data_points_per_report50Specifies the number of data points to plot on charts on Capacity Manager reports.
cm_max_end_date_in_years5 yearsSpecifies the maximum amount of time that the Capacity Manager will extrapolate data for. Ensures that threshold-based end dates of on reports do not get extrapolated indefinitely.
dash_alerts_timeout60 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the components of the Alerts dashboard are auto-refreshed.
dash_db_comrol_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Commit/Rollback Analysis chart on the Database Analysis dashboard and Server Analysis dashboard.
dash_db_comrol_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Commits/Rollbacks line chart is auto-refreshed on the Database Analysis dashboard and Server Analysis dashboard.
dash_db_connovervw_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Connection Overview pie chart is auto-refreshed in the Database Analysis dashboard.

7 days

Specifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Number of Events Lag chart for slony replication on the Database Analysis dashboard.
dash_db_eventlag_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Number of Events Lag line chart for slony replication is auto-refreshed on the Database Analysis dashboard.
dash_db_hottable_rows25 rowsSpecifies the number of rows to show on the HOT Table Analysis table on the Database Analysis dashboard.
dash_db_hottable_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Hot Tables table is auto-refreshed in the Database Analysis dashboard.
dash_db_io_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Database I/O Analysis chart on the Database Analysis dashboard and I/O Analysis dashboard.
dash_db_io_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Database I/O line chart is auto-refreshed on the Database Analysis dashboard and I/O Analysis dashboard.
dash_db_rowact_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Row Activity Analysis chart on the Database Analysis dashboard, the I/O Analysis dashboard, and the Server Analysis dashboard.
dash_db_rowact_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Row Activity line chart is auto-refreshed on the Database Analysis dashboard, the I/O Analysis dashboard, and the Server Analysis dashboard.
dash_db_storage_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Storage bar chart is auto-refreshed in the Database Analysis dashboard.
dash_db_timelag_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Time Lag chart for Slony replication on the Database Analysis dashboard.
dash_db_timelag_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Time Lag line chart for slony replication is auto-refreshed on the Database Analysis dashboard.
dash_db_useract_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the User Activity Analysis chart on the Database Analysis dashboard.
dash_db_useract_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the User Activity line chart is auto-refreshed in the Database Analysis dashboard.
dash_efm_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Failover Manager Node Status and Failover Manager Cluster Info line chart is auto-refreshed on the Streaming Replication dashboard.
dash_global_overview_timeout30 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the components of the Global Overview dashboard are auto-refreshed.
dash_header_timeout60 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the information on the header of all the dashboards are auto-refreshed.
dash_io_chkpt_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Checkpoints chart on the I/O Analysis dashboard.
dash_io_chkpt_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Checkpoints line chart is auto-refreshed on the I/O Analysis dashboard.
dash_io_hotindx_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Hot Indexes bar chart is auto-refreshed on the I/O Analysis dashboard.
dash_io_hottbl_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Hot Tables bar chart is auto-refreshed on the I/O Analysis dashboard.
dash_io_index_objectio_rows25 rowsSpecifies the number of rows displayed on the Index Activity table on the I/O Analysis dashboard and the Object Activity Analysis dashboard.
dash_io_index_objectio_timeout60 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Index Activity table is auto-refreshed on the I/O Analysis dashboard and the Object Activity Analysis dashboard.
dash_io_objectio_rows25 rowsSpecifies the number of rows displayed in the Object I/O Details table on the I/O Analysis dashboard and Object Activity Analysis dashboard.
dash_io_objectio_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Object I/O Details table is auto-refreshed on the I/O Analysis dashboard and Object Activity Analysis dashboard.
dash_memory_hostmemact_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Host Memory Activity Analysis chart on the Memory Analysis dashboard.
dash_memory_hostmemact_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Host Memory Activity line chart is auto-refreshed on the Memory Analysis dashboard.
dash_memory_hostmemconf_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Host Memory Configuration pie chart is auto-refreshed on the Memory Analysis dashboard and Server Analysis dashboard.
dash_memory_servmemact_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the server Memory Activity Analysis chart on the Memory Analysis dashboard.
dash_memory_servmemact_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Server Memory Activity line chart is auto-refreshed on the Memory Analysis dashboard.
dash_memory_servmemconf_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Server Memory Configuration pie chart is auto-refreshed on the Memory Analysis dashboard.
dash_objectact_objstorage_rows15 rowsSpecifies the number of rows to show on the Object Storage table on the Object Activity Analysis dashboard.
dash_objectact_objstorage_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Object Storage table is auto-refreshed in the Object Activity Analysis dashboard.
dash_objectact_objtopindexes_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Top 5 Largest Indexes bar chart is auto-refreshed in the Object Activity Analysis dashboard.
dash_objectact_objtoptables_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Top 5 Largest Tables bar chart is auto-refreshed in the Object Activity Analysis dashboard.
dash_os_cpu_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the CPU chart on the Operating System Analysis dashboard.
dash_os_cpu_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the CPU line chart is auto-refreshed on the Operating System Analysis dashboard.
dash_os_data_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the I/O line chart on the Operating System Analysis dashboard.
dash_os_disk_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Utilisation chart on the Operating System Analysis dashboard.
dash_os_hostfs_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Host File System Details table is auto-refreshed on the Operating System Analysis dashboard.
dash_os_io_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the I/O line chart is auto-refreshed on the Operating System Analysis dashboard.
dash_os_memory_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Memory chart on the Operating System Analysis dashboard.
dash_os_memory_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Memory line chart is auto-refreshed on the Operating System Analysis dashboard.
dash_os_packet_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Packet chart on the Operating System Analysis dashboard.
dash_os_packet_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Network Packets line chart is auto-refreshed on the Operating System Analysis dashboard.
dash_os_process_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Process chart on the Operating System Analysis dashboard.
dash_os_process_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Process line chart is auto-refreshed on the Operating System Analysis dashboard.
dash_os_storage_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Storage pie chart is auto-refreshed on the Operating System Analysis dashboard.
dash_os_traffic_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Traffic chart on the Operating System Analysis dashboard.
dash_os_traffic_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Traffic line chart is auto-refreshed on the Operating System Analysis dashboard.
dash_os_util_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Utilisation line chart is auto-refreshed on the Operating System Analysis dashboard.
dash_probe_log_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Probe Log table is auto-refreshed on the Probe Log Analysis dashboard.
dash_replication_archivestat_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the WAL Archive Status chart on the Streaming Replication Analysis dashboard.
dash_replication_archivestat_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the WAL Archive Status line chart is auto-refreshed on the Streaming Replication dashboard.
dash_replication_pagelag_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the WAL Lag Pages chart on the Streaming Replication dashboard.
dash_replication_pagelag_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the WAL Lag Pages line chart is auto-refreshed on the Streaming Replication dashboard.
dash_replication_segmentlag_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the WAL Lag Segments chart on the Streaming Replication dashboard.
dash_replication_segmentlag_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the WAL Lag Segments line chart is auto-refreshed on the Streaming Replication dashboard.
dash_replication_timelag_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Replication Lag Time chart on the Streaming Replication dashboard.
dash_replication_timelag_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Replication Lag Time line chart is auto-refreshed on the Streaming Replication dashboard.
dash_server_buffers_written168 hoursSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Background Writer Statistics chart on the Server Analysis dashboard.
dash_server_buffers_written_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Background Writer Statistics line chart is auto-refreshed on the Server Analysis dashboard.
dash_server_connovervw_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Connection Overview pie chart is auto-refreshed in the Server Analysis dashboard.
dash_server_database_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Databases table is auto-refreshed in the Server Analysis dashboard.
dash_server_dbsize_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Database Size Analysis chart on the Server Analysis dashboard.
dash_server_dbsize_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Database Size line chart is auto-refreshed in the Server Analysis dashboard.
dash_server_disk_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Disk line chart is auto-refreshed in the Server Analysis dashboard.
dash_server_global_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Disk line chart on the Server Analysis dashboard.
dash_server_sharedbuff_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Shared Buffer chart on the Server Analysis dashboard.
dash_server_sharedbuff_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Shared Buffers line chart is auto-refreshed in the Server Analysis dashboard.
dash_server_tabspacesize_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Tablespace Size chart on the Server Analysis dashboard.
dash_server_tabspacesize_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Tablespace Size line chart is auto-refreshed in the Server Analysis dashboard.
dash_server_useract_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the User Activity chart on the Server Analysis dashboard.
dash_server_useract_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the User Activity line chart is auto-refreshed in the Server Analysis dashboard.
dash_sessact_lockact_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Session Lock Activity table is auto-refreshed in the Session Activity Analysis dashboard.
dash_sessact_workload_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Session Workload table is auto-refreshed in the Session Activity Analysis dashboard.
dash_sess_waits_nowaits_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Session Waits By Number Of Waits pie chart is auto-refreshed in the Session Waits Analysis dashboard.
dash_sess_waits_timewait_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Session Waits By Time Waited pie chart is auto-refreshed in the Session Waits Analysis dashboard.
dash_sess_waits_waitdtl_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Session Waits Details table is auto-refreshed in the Session Waits Analysis dashboard.
dash_storage_dbdtls_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Database Details table is auto-refreshed in the Storage Analysis dashboard.
dash_storage_dbovervw_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Database Overview pie chart is auto-refreshed in the Storage Analysis dashboard.
dash_storage_hostdtls_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Host Details table is auto-refreshed in the Storage Analysis dashboard.
dash_storage_hostovervw_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Host Overview pie chart is auto-refreshed in the Storage Analysis dashboard.
dash_storage_tblspcdtls_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Tablespace Details table is auto-refreshed in the Storage Analysis dashboard.
dash_storage_tblspcovervw_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Tablespace Overview pie chart is auto-refreshed in the Storage Analysis dashboard.
dash_sys_waits_nowaits_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the System Waits By Number Of Waits pie chart is auto-refreshed in the System Waits Analysis dashboard.
dash_sys_waits_timewait_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the System Waits By Time Waited pie chart is auto-refreshed in the System Waits Analysis dashboard.
dash_sys_waits_waitdtl_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the System Waits Details table is auto-refreshed in the System Waits Analysis dashboard.
deleted_charts_retention_time7 daysSpecifies the number of days that a custom chart (displayed on a user-defined dashboard) is stored.
deleted_probes_retention_time7 daysSpecifies the number of days that a custom probe (displayed on a user-defined dashboard) is stored.
download_chart_formatjpegSpecifies the format in which a downloaded chart will be stored. May be jpeg or png.
flapping_detection_state_change3Specifies the number of state changes detected within a specified interval to define a given alert as flapping.- Flapping starts when more than N state changes have occurred over [ N + 1 * (min(probe_interval) * 2)] minutes and the fine state is not None. Where the default value of N is 2 or 3, and min(probe_interval) is the smallest interval for all the probes used by the alert.
- Flapping ends when ZERO state changes have occurred over [2 N * min(probe_interval)] minutes.
job_retention_time30 daysSpecifies the number of days that non-recurring scheduled tasks and their associated logs are retained, after their execution time.
long_running_transaction_minutes5 minutesSpecifies the number of minutes a query executes for before being considered long running.
nagios_cmd_file_name<file_name>Specifies nagios command file to which passive service check result will be sent.
nagios_enabledtSpecifies whether alert notification will be submitted to nagios or not.
nagios_medium_alert_as_criticalfSpecifies whether medium level PEM alert will be considered as critical in nagios.
nagios_spool_retention_time7 daysSpecifies the number of days to retain nagios messages in the spool table before they are discarded.
reminder_notification_interval24 hoursSpecifies the number of hours after which a reminder email is sent in case an alert has not been cleared.
server_log_retention_time30 daysSpecifies the number of days that the server log is retained on the PEM server.
show_data_tab_on_graphfalseIf 'true', a Data tab is added to each graph. Select the Data tab to review the data that is plotted on the graph.
show_objects_with_no_teamtrueIf 'true', and the team is not specified, then all the users can view the database servers, agents, and tools in the browser tree. Only the users with the 'pem_admin' role can view or change this parameter.
smtp_authenticationfalseSpecifies whether to enable/disable authentication over SMTP.
smtp_enabledtrueSpecifies whether to enable/disable sending of emails.
smtp_encryptionfalseSpecifies whether to send SMTP email using an encrypted connection.
smtp_passwordSpecifies the password to be used to connect to the SMTP server.
smtp_port25Specifies the SMTP server port to be used for sending email.
smtp_server127.0.0.1Specifies the SMTP server host address to be used for sending email.
smtp_spool_retention_time7 daysSpecifies the number of days to retain sent email messages in the spool table before they are discarded.
smtp_usernameSpecifies the username to be used to connect to SMTP server.
smtp_message_linebreakLFSpecifies the linebreak to be used in email message body.
snmp_communitypublicSpecifies the SNMP community used when sending traps. Used only with SNMPv1 and SNMPv2.
snmp_enabledtrueSpecifies whether to enable/disable sending SNMP traps.
snmp_port162Specifies the SNMP server port to be used for sending SNMP traps.
snmp_server127.0.0.1Specifies the SNMP server host address to be used for sending SNMP traps.
snmp_spool_retention_time7 daysSpecifies the number of days to retain sent traps in the spool table before they are discarded.
snmp_security_nameSpecifies the user name or security name for sending SNMP traps. Used only with SNMPv3.
snmp_security_engine_idSpecifies the Engine id of the SNMP Agent on the SNMP Server. Used only with SNMPv3.
snmp_security_levelNOAUTH_NOPRIVSpecifies Security level and its possible values can be: AUTH_NOPRIV - Authentication, No Privacy AUTH_PRIV - Authentication, Privacy NOAUTH_NOPRIV - no Authentication, no Privacy. Used only with SNMPv3.
snmp_context_nameSpecifies the Context name, the identifier for MIB objects when sending SNMP traps. Used only with SNMPv3.
snmp_context_engine_idSpecifies the Context engine id, the identifier for MIB objects when sending SNMP traps. If not specified, snmp_security_engine_id will be used. Used only with SNMPv3.
snmp_authentication_protocolNONESpecifies the authentication type for SNMP traps. Its possible values can be NONE, HMACMD5 or HMACSHA. Used only with SNMPv3.
snmp_privacy_protocolNONESpecifies the privacy protocol for SNMP traps. Its possible values can be NONE, DES, AES128, IDEA, AES192, or AES256. Used only with SNMPv3.
snmp_authentication_passwordSpecifies the authentication password associated with security name mentioned in snmp_security_name. Used only for SNMPv3.
snmp_privacy_passwordSpecifies the privacy password associated with security name mentioned in snmp_security_name. Used only for SNMPv3.
webclient_help_pgEnterpriseDB hosted documentationSpecifies the location of the online PostgreSQL core documentation.