PGD Monitoring Dashboards v9

The PGD Monitoring Dashboards display the information about replication activities of the PGD Nodes in a PGD Group. There are three different dashboards for PGD:

  • PGD Admin Dashboard
  • PGD Group Monitoring Dashboard
  • PGD Node Monitoring Dashboard

To view the details on these dashboards, you must enable the probes on the PGD Nodes. By default, the PGD Probes are disabled. To enable the probes, highlight the name of the PGD Node in the PEM client browser tree control, and select Manage Probes... from the Management menu. Use the Manage Probes.. tab to enable to Probes.

PGD Admin Dashboard

To view the details on PGD Admin Dashboard enable the following probes:

  • PGD Group Camo Details
  • PGD Group Locks
  • PGD Group Raft Details
  • PGD Group Versions Details
  • PGD Node Summary
  • PGD Worker
  • PGD Worker Errors

Then highlight the PGD Node in the PEM client browser and select the PGD Admin from the Dashboards drop down menu.

PGD Admin Dashboard

The Node Summary table provides information about all the nodes of PGD Group:

  • The Node column displays the name of the PGD Node in the PGD Group.
  • The Node Group column displays the name of the PGD Group.
  • The Peer State column displays the status of the particular PGD Node.
  • The Peer Target State column displays the status of the other node which is tried to reach.
  • The Sub Repset column displays the name of the subscribed replication sets.

The Global Locks table provides information about PGD's global locking activity and progress od PGD Group:

  • The Origin Node Name column displays the name of the node from where the global lock is originated.
  • The Lock Type column displays the type of the Lock. The possible values are GLOBAL_LOCK_DDL or GLOBAL_LOCK_DML.
  • The relation column displays the name of the locked relation(for DML Locks) or keys(for advisory locks).
  • The PID column displays the PID of the process holding the lock.
  • The Acquire Stage column displays the internal state of the lock acquisition process.
  • The Waiters column displays the list of the backends waiting for the same global lock.
  • The Global Lock Request Time column displays the timestamp at which the process of acquiring the global lock started. It can be Null if time is unknown on the current node.
  • The Local Lock Request Time column displays the timestamp at which the local node tried to acquire the local lock for this global lock. This includes the time taken for the heavyweight session lock acquire, but does NOT include any time taken on DDL epochs or queue flushing. If the lock is re-acquired after local node restart, this will be the node restart time.
  • The Last State Change Time column displays the timestamp at which the Acquire Stage last changed.

The PGD Group Version Details table provides version information of the installed Postgres, pglogical, PGD, and PGD edition for each node:

  • The Node Name column displays the name of PGD Node in the PGD Group.
  • The Postgres Version column displays the version of the installed postgres on each PGD Node.
  • The pglogical Version column displays the version of the installed pglogical on each PGD Node.
  • The PGD Version column displays the version of the installed PGD extension on each PGD Node.
  • The PGD Edition column displays the Edition of the installed PGD extension on each PGD Node. The possible values are EE or SE.

The PGD Workers table provides information about the PGD background worker processes:

  • The Worker PID column displays the process id of the worker process.
  • The Worker Role Name column displays the role name of the worker processes. The possibile values are receiver or writer.
  • The Query Start column displays the query start timestamp when a particular query started executing.
  • The Worker Commit Timestamp column displays the timestamp at which the worker process committed the transaction.
  • The Worker Wait Event Type column displays the type of wait event for the worker process.

The PGD Worker Errors table provides information about the persistent log of errors from the PGD background worker processes.

  • The Worker PID column displays the process id of the worker process.
  • The Origin Name column displays the name of the PGD Node that initiated the error from the worker process.
  • The Error Message column displays the description of the error from the worker process.
  • The Error Time column displays the timestamp of the error from the worker process.
  • The Error Age column displays the time elapsed in years, months and days since the error occurred.

The PGD Group Camo Details table provides information relate to CAMO from all the PGD Nodes.

  • The Node Name column displays the name of PGD Node in the PGD Group.
  • The Camo Partner of column displays the node name for whom this node is partner.
  • The Camo Origin For column displays the node name for whom this node is origin.
  • The Is Camo Partner Connected? column displays the connection status of the camo partner.
  • The Is Camo Partner Ready? column displays the readiness status of the camo partner.
  • The Camo Transactions Resolved column displays if there are any pending and unresolved CAMO transactions.
  • The Apply LSN column displays the latest position reported as replayed.
  • The Receive LSN column displays the latest LSN of any change or message received.
  • The Apply Queue Size column displays the difference between apply_lsn and receive_lsn in bytes.

The PGD Group Raft Details table provides detail information about the PGD Group Raft:

  • The Node Name column displays the name of PGD Node in the PGD Group.
  • The State column displays the Raft worker state on the PGD Node.
  • The Leader ID column displays the Node id of the RAFT_LEADER.
  • The Current Term column displays the Raft election internal id.
  • The Commit Index column displays the Raft snapshot internal id.

PGD Group Monitoring Dashboard

To view the details on the PGD Group Monitoring dashboard enable the following probes:

  • PGD Group Replication Slots Details
  • PGD Group Subscription Summary

Then highlight the PGD Node in the PEM client browser and select the PGD Group Monitoring from the Dashboards drop down menu.

PGD Group Monitoring Dashboard

  • The PGD Group Subscription Lag graph displays the delay to apply the transactions on subscribed nodes as compared to the origin. The delay in applying transactions between the subscribed node and origin is displayed with different colors on the graph. The vertical key on the left side of the graph indicates the delay to apply the transactions on subscribed nodes in seconds as compared to the origin.
  • The PGD Group Replication Slots Replay Lag(Bytes) graph displays the difference between the replay_lsn and current WAL write position in bytes. The difference among the different set of replication slots is displayed with different color on the graph. The vertical key on the left side of the graph indicates the difference in bytes.
  • The PGD Group Replication Slots Replay Lag(seconds) graph displays the approximate lag time for reported replay among the replication slots. The delay time between the subscribed replication slots is displayed with different colors on the graph. The vertical key on the left side of the graph indicates the lag time in seconds.
  • The PGD Group Replication Slots Flush Lag(Bytes) graph displays the difference between the flush_lsn and current WAL write position in bytes. The difference among the different set of replication slots is displayed with different colors on the graph. The vertical key on the left side of the graph indicates the difference in bytes.
  • The PGD Group Replication Slots Flush Lag(seconds) graph displays the approximate lag time for reported flush among the replication slots. The delay time between the subscribed replication slots is displayed with different colors on the graph. The vertical key on the left side of the graph indicates the lag time in seconds.
  • The PGD Group Replication Slots Write Lag(Bytes) graph displays the difference between the write_lsn and current WAL write position in bytes. The difference among the different set of subscribed replication slots is displayed with different colors on the graph. The vertical key on the left side of the graph indicates the difference in bytes.
  • The PGD Group Replication Slots Write Lag(seconds) graph displays the approximate lag time for reported write among the replication slots. The delay time between the subscribed replication slots is displayed with different colors on the graph. The vertical key on the left side of the graph indicates the lag time in seconds.
  • The PGD Group Replication Slots Sent Lag(Bytes) graph displays the difference between sent_lsn and WAL write position in bytes. The difference among the different set of subscribed replication slots is displayed with different colors on the graph. The vertical key on the left side of the graph indicates the difference in bytes.

PGD Node Monitoring Dashboard

To view the details on the PGD Node Monitoring dashboard enable the following probes:

  • PGD Conflict History Summary
  • PGD Node Replicate Rates
  • PGD Node Slots

Then highlight the PGD Node in the PEM client browser and select the PGD Node Monitoring from the Dashboards drop down menu.

PGD Node Monitoring Dashboard

  • The PGD Node Slots Replay Lag(Bytes) graph displays the difference between the replay_lsn and current WAL write position in bytes for the particular PGD Node. The vertical key on the left side of the graph indicates the difference in bytes.
  • The PGD Conflict History Summary graph displays the summary on the conflict history per conflict type for the particular PGD Node. The vertical key on the left side of the graph indicates the number of row conflicts.
  • The PGD Node Replication Replay Lag(Bytes) graph displays the difference between the replay_lsn and current WAL write position on origin in bytes for the particular PGD Node. The vertical key on the left side of the graph indicates the difference in bytes.
  • The PGD Group Replication Slots Replay Lag(seconds) graph displays the approximate lag time for reported replay among the replication slots for the particular PGD Node. The vertical key on the left side of the graph indicates the lag time in seconds.
  • The PGD Node Replication Apply Rates graph displays the information about the outgoing replication activity from a given PGD Node. The vertical key on the left side of the graph.