Controlling the PEM Agent v9

On Linux platforms, the name of the service script that controls a PEM agent is pemagent. You can use the pemagent service script to control the PEM agent. Enter:

/etc/init.d/pem_agent action

Where action specifies the action taken by the service. Specify:

  • start to start the service.
  • stop to stop the service.
  • restart to stop and then start the service.
  • status to check the status of the service.

To determine if a service is running on RHEL or CentOS version 7.x, open a command line, and issue the command:

systemctl pemagent action

Where action is the action taken by the service. You can specify:

  • start to start the service.
  • stop to stop the service.
  • restart to stop and then start the service.
  • status to inquire about the current status of the service.

Controlling the PEM Agent on Windows

The Windows operating system includes a graphical service controller (the Windows Services applet) that displays the server status, and offers point-and-click service control. The Services applet can be accessed through the Windows Control Panel. When the utility opens, use the scroll bar to navigate through the listed services to highlight the Postgres Enterprise Manager - pemAgent service name.

  • Use the Stop the service option to stop a service.
  • Use the Pause the service option to instruct Postgres to reload a service's configuration parameters.
  • Use the Start the service option to start a service.