Upgrading a SQL profiler native package installation on a Linux host v9

To upgrade a SQL Profiler installation that resides on a Linux host:

  1. Delete the existing SQL Profiler query set on each node by invoking the uninstall-sql-profiler.sql script. By default, on a Linux host the script resides in the share/contrib directory under your EDB Posgtgres Advanced Server or PostgreSQL installation.

    You can use the following server-specific command:

    For PostgreSQL:

    /usr/pgsql-<x>/bin/psql -f /usr/pgsql-<x>/share/contrib/uninstall-sql-profiler.sql -d postgres -U postgres

    Where x is the version of PostgreSQL and -d specifies the name of the maintenance database.

    For EDB Postgres Advanced Server:

    /usr/edb/as<x>/bin/psql -f /usr/edb/as<x>/share/contrib/uninstall-sql-profiler.sql -d edb -U enterprisedb

    Where x is the version of EDB Postgres Advanced Server and -d specifies the name of the maintenance database.

  2. Invoke the new SQL Profiler installer on each node you want to profile.

    For PostgreSQL:

    yum upgrade postgresql<x>-sqlprofiler

    Where x is the version of the PostgreSQL.

    For EDB Postgres Advanced Server:

    yum upgrade edb-as<x>-server-sqlprofiler

    Where x is the version of EDB Postgres Advanced Server.

    The installer detects the existing SQL Profiler installation and upgrades with the latest version of SQL Profiler.

    See the following example of upgrading SQL Profiler for PostgreSQL:

    Upgrading SQL Profiler

  3. Run the sql-profiler.sql script file in the maintenance database.

    For PostgreSQL:

    /usr/pgsql-<x>/bin/psql -f /usr/pgsql-<x>/share/contrib/sql-profiler.sql -d postgres -U postgres

    Where x is the version of PostgreSQL and -d specifies the name of the maintenance database.

    For EDB Postgres Advanced Server:

    /usr/edb/as<x>/bin/psql -f /usr/edb/as<x>/share/contrib/sql-profiler.sql -d edb -U enterprisedb

    Where x is the version of Advanced Server and -d specifies the name of the maintenance database.

  4. Restart PostgreSQL/EDB Postgres Advanced Server to resume profiling the node from the PEM client.