Appendices v9

licence kerberos openssl snmp++ jquery_table_sort

Additional Licences

Component NameLicence NameLicence Url
wxWidgetswxWidgets Licence
Apache HTTPDApache Licence
PHPPHP Licence
Gettext runtimeLGPL v2.1
Curl runtimeMIT/X derivate license
Zlib runtimeZlib Licence
XML/XSLT runtimeMIT Licence
libpng runtimeOpen Source
libjpeg runtimeGNU GPLv2
iconv runtimeLGPL v2.1
ezComponents (Graphs)New BSD Licence
jQueryMIT Licence
jQuery Dynatree pluginMIT Licence
jQuery Superfish menu pluginMIT Licence
jQuery UI Layout pluginMIT Licence
jQuery UI pluginMIT Licence
jQuery qTip tooltip pluginMIT Licence
LakTEK jQuery simple color pickerMIT Licence
jQuery Editable plugin 1.3.3MIT Licence
jQuery Slider Access pluginMIT Licence
jQuery UI Spinner pluginMIT Licence
jQuery Timepicker Add-on pluginMIT Licence
jQuery Downloader pluginMIT Licence

Postgres Enterprise Manager, Postgres Plus, and EnterpriseDB are trademarks of EnterpriseDB Corporation.