Scheduled Task Tab v9

You can schedule the execution of user-defined tasks on registered servers for a time that is most convenient, and least intrusive to your users. Tasks may be one-off, or recurring and are comprised of one or more steps, which may be a SQL script, a batch/shell script, or an internal function in the PEM agent. You can view pending tasks on the Scheduled Tasks tab.

To open the Scheduled Tasks tab, select either a PEM Agent or a managed server in the tree control of the PEM client and select Scheduled Tasks... from the Management menu.

Scheduled Tasks tab

The tab features a legend, displaying the icons that identify the status of each task.

The Manage Tasks table displays a list of tasks. Set Show system tasks? to Yes to display system tasks; if it is set to No, only user-defined tasks are displayed. System tasks are displayed with a grey background, and may not be modified.

Use the Refresh icon to update the list of tasks displayed in the table. The table displays general information about each task.

  • The Execution drop-down provides access to detailed information about each step in the task.
  • The Status field lists the status of the current task.
  • The Enabled? switch displays Yes if the task is enabled; No if the task is disabled.
  • The Name field displays the name of the task.
  • The Agent or Server field displays the name of the agent responsible for executing the task or the server on which the task will execute.

Highlight the name of a user-defined task and click the Edit icon (to the left of a task name) to access detailed information about the selected task.

Scheduled Tasks - details

The General tab displays information about the scheduled task:

  • The Status field lists the status of the current task.
  • The Enabled? switch displays Yes if the task is enabled; No if the task is disabled.
  • The Name field displays the name of the task.
  • The Agent or Server field displays the name of the agent responsible for executing the task or the server on which the task will be performed.
  • The Description field displays a description of the task.
  • The Last run field displays the date and time of the last execution of the task.
  • The Next run field displays the date and time of the next scheduled execution of the task.
  • The Created field displays the date and time that the task was defined.

Highlight the name of a user-defined task and open the Steps arrow to review a list of the steps within the task.

Scheduled Tasks - Steps details

The list of steps displays general information about each step in the task:

  • The Execution date field displays the date on which the step will execute. Step history is grouped by execution date; use the arrow to the left of an execution date to expand the node and review the task logs for that date.
  • The Description field displays a description of the step.

Use the arrow to the left of an execution date (in the Steps column) to view detailed information about the step:

  • The Step field displays a description of the step.
  • The Type field displays the task type.
  • The Status field lists the status of the current task.
  • If applicable, the Result field displays code generated during the execution of the step.
  • The Start/Next run field displays the date and time at which the task executed or will execute again.
  • The Duration field displays the length of time that the task required for execution.
  • The Output field displays the result set returned by the execution of the task. By default, it displays the first 250 characters. You can also change the display characters by changing the Schedule Tasks options in the Preference dialog.
  • The Log details field allows you to open the log in the new browser window and also download the complete log.

To delete a user-defined task, highlight the name of the task, and click the Delete icon located to the left of a task's name. The task will be marked for deletion, and removed when you click the Save icon (located in the upper-right corner of the Manage Tasks table.

Note: Tasks with no Next run date will automatically be removed from the PEM server when the last run date is more than probe_log_retention_time days ago.

Please note that if any of the scheduled tasks for backup, restore, validate host, validate server or delete obsolete backup for any of the BART Server gets deleted, it will not display under the BART Tool Activities graph of BART Server's dashboard. However, it gets listed under the Initiated Server Backups list.