Scheduled System Jobs v9

PEM defines system jobs to take care of cleanup activities at scheduled intervals. All of the system jobs are enabled by default, and are scheduled to deploy on a regular interval. You can query the pem.job table in the pem database to review a list of the system jobs. The current schedule for system jobs is stored in the pem.schedule table in the pem database.

The system job names, their descriptions, and default deployment intervals are listed in the table below:

Job NameDescriptionIntervals to Run the Job
Database cleanupThis job runs periodically to purge old data from the database.Every four hours, daily starting from 01:00 AM
Audit log table cleanupThis job runs periodically to purge old data from the audit log table.Every twelve hours, daily starting from 12:00 AM
Server log table cleanupThis job runs periodically to purge old data from the server log table.Every twelve hours, daily starting from 01:00 AM
Probe log table cleanupThis job runs periodically to purge old data from the probe log table.Every twelve hours, daily starting from 02:00 AM
SMTP spool table cleanupThis job runs periodically to purge old data from the smtp spool table.Every twelve hours, starting from 03:00 AM
SNMP spool table cleanupThis job runs periodically to purge old data from the snmp spool table.Every twelve hours, daily starting from 04:00 AM
Alert history table cleanupThis job runs periodically to purge old data from the alert history table.Every twelve hours, daily starting from 05:00 AM
Job log table cleanupThis job runs periodically to purge old data from the job log table.Every twelve hours, daily starting from 06:00 AM
Job purge the deleted chartsThis job runs periodically to purge the deleted charts.Every twenty-four hours, daily starting from 02:00 AM
Purge deleted custom probesThis job runs periodically to purge deleted custom probes and its data.Every twenty-four hours, daily starting from 01:00 AM
Check CA certificate expiryThis job check the expiry of CA certificate.This job runs before 20 days of expiry of the certificate

Note: PEM self signed CA Certificate is valid till 3650 days from the day of fresh installation.
Delete obsolete backupsThis job runs periodically to delete the BART obsolete backups on database server where BART is configured only when enabled.Every twenty-four hours, daily starting from 02:00 AM once enabled