Using the Manage Charts Tab v9

You can use the Manage Charts tab to access dialogs that allow you to create or modify a custom line chart or table, or import a Capacity Manager template for use in a custom chart. After defining a chart, you can display the chart on a custom dashboard. To open the Manage Charts tab, select Manage Charts... from the PEM client Management menu.

Manage Charts tab

The Manage Charts tab provides a Quick Links menu that allows you to access dialogs to:

The Custom Charts table displays a list of user-defined charts; when a chart is newly added, the font displays in green. When you add an additional chart or refresh the screen, the name of the chart is displayed in black.

Manage Charts - Custom Chart

Use the search box in the upper-right hand corner of the Custom Charts section to search through your custom charts. Specify a:

  • Chart name
  • Type
  • Level
  • Metrics Category

Use icons to the left of a charts name in the Custom Charts table to manage a chart:

  • Click the edit icon to open the Chart Configuration wizard and modify aspects of the chart or table.
  • Click the delete icon to delete the selected chart.

pem_create_new_chart pem_manage_charts_template