Managing a PEM server v9

Some of the tasks related to managing the PEM server include:

  • Restarting the PEM server and agent
  • Controlling the PEM server or PEM agent
  • Controlling the HTTPD service on Linux and Windows
  • Controlling the HTTPD server
  • Managing PEM authentication and security
  • Modifying the pg_hba.conf file
  • Modifying PEM to use a proxy server

Starting and stopping the PEM server and agents

The PEM server starts, stops, and restarts when the Postgres server instance on where it resides starts, stops, or restarts. Use the same commands to control the PEM server that you use to control the Postgres server. On Linux platforms, the command that stops and starts the service script varies by platform and OS version.

The PEM agent is controlled by a service named pemagent.

The Windows operating system includes a graphical service controller that displays the server status and offers interactive server control. You can access the Services utility through the Windows Control Panel. When the utility opens, navigate through the listed services and select the service name.

Select Stop, Pause, Start, or Restart to control the state of the service.

Any user or client application connected to the Postgres server is abruptly disconnected if you stop the service. For more information about controlling a service, see EDB Postgres Advanced Server.

Controlling the PEM server or PEM agent on Linux

On Linux platforms, the name of the service script that controls:

  • A PEM server on EDB Postgres Advanced Server is edb-as-<x> or ppas-<x>.
  • A PEM server on PostgreSQL is postgresql-<x>.
  • A PEM agent is pemagent.

Where x indicates the server version number.

You can use the service script to control the service.

  • To control a service on RHEL or CentOS version 7.x or 8.x, at the command prompt, assume superuser privileges and issue the command:

    systemctl <service_name> <action>


service_name is the name of the service.

action specifies the action taken by the service. Specify:

  • start to start the service.
  • stop to stop the service.
  • restart to stop and then start the service.
  • status to check the status of the service.

Controlling the PEM server or PEM agent on Windows

The Windows operating system includes a graphical service controller that displays the server status and offers interactive server control. The registered name of the service that controls:

  • A PEM server host on PostgreSQL is postgresql-<x>.
  • A PEM server host on Advanced Server is edb-as-<x> or ppas-<x>.
  • A PEM agent is Postgres Enterprise Manager - pemAgent.

Where x indicates the server version number.

In the Windows Control Panel, open the Services utility to see the list of services.

Select Stop the service to stop a service. Any user or client application connected to the server is abruptly disconnected if you stop the service.

Select Pause the service to reload a service's configuration parameters. Pause the service is an effective way to reset parameters without disrupting user sessions for many of the configuration parameters.

Select Start the service to start a service.

Controlling the HTTPD server

On Linux, you can confirm the status of the PEM-HTTPD service by entering the following command at the command prompt:

ps -ef | grep httpd

If Linux responds with an answer like the following, httpd isn't running:

user 13321 13267 0 07:37 pts/1 00:00:00 grep httpd

To start the service on a CentOS or RHEL 7.x or 8.x system, use the command:

systemctl start httpd

On Windows, you can use the Services applet to check the status of the PEM HTTPD service. After opening the Services applet, select the PEM HTTPD service from the list.

The Status column displays the current state of the server. Select Start to start PEM HTTPD if the service isn't running.

Managing PEM authentication

Postgres supports a number of authentication methods:

  • Secure password (md5)
  • SSPI
  • Kerberos
  • Ident
  • LDAP
  • Certificate (SSL)
  • PAM

Postgres and PEM authentication is controlled by the pg_hba.conf configuration file. Entries in the configuration file specify:

  • Who can connect to a specific database
  • The type of authentication required before that user is allowed to connect

A typical entry in the pg_hba.conf file that allows a user named postgres to connect to all databases from the local host ( using secure password (md5) authentication connections takes the form:

host all postgres md5

Depending on your system configuration, you might also need to create a password file for the user account that the PEM agent uses to connect to the server. This file allows the agent to properly respond to the server’s authentication request. An entry in the password file for a user named postgres, with a password of 1safepwd takes the form:


The password file is usually named ~root/.pgpass on Linux systems or %APPDATA%\postgresql\pgpass.conf on Windows. For more information about configuring a password file, see the PostgreSQL website.

For more information about the authentication methods supported by Postgres, see the PostgreSQL core documentation.

Editing the PEM server configuration

You can use the PEM client to manage the configuration parameters of the PEM server to enable features or modify default settings. To open the Server Configuration dialog box, select Management > Server Configuration. Then edit the parameter values as needed.

Managing security

PEM provides an interface for managing your Postgres roles and servers.

Login roles

When you connect to the PEM server, you must provide role credentials that allow access to the database on which the PEM server stores data. By default, the postgres superuser account is used to initially connect to the server, but it is strongly recommended (for both security and auditing purposes) that individual roles are created for each connecting user. You can use the PEM Query tool, the PEM web interface Create – Login/Group Role dialog, or a command line client (such as psql) to create a role.

To use the Create – Login/Group Role dialog box to create a role:

  1. In the PEM tree, expand the node for the server where you want to create the role.
  2. Right-click the Login/Group Roles node.
  3. From the context menu, select Create > Login/Group Role.
  4. Use the tabs of the Create – Login/Group Role dialog box to define the role.
  5. After you finish defining the new role, select Save to create the role.

To modify the properties of an existing login role, right-click the name of a login role in the tree and select Properties from the context menu. To delete a login role, right-click the name of the role and select Delete/Drop from the context menu.

For more complete information about creating and managing a role, see the PostgreSQL online documentation.

Group roles

Group roles can serve as containers and are used to dispense system privileges, such as creating databases, and object privileges, such as inserting data into a table. The primary purpose of a group role is to make the mass management of system and object permissions easier for a DBA. Rather than assigning or modifying privileges individually across many different login accounts, you can assign or change privileges for a single role and then grant that role to many login roles at once.

Use the Group Roles node (located beneath the name of each registered server in the PEM tree) to create and manage group roles. Options on the context menu provide access to a dialog box that allows you to create a new role or modify the properties of an existing role. You can find more information about creating roles in the PostgreSQL documentation.

Using PEM predefined roles to manage access to PEM functionality

You can use the Login/Group Role dialog box to allow a role with limited privileges to access PEM features such as the Audit Manager, Capacity Manager, or SQL Profiler. PEM predefined roles allow access to PEM functionality. Roles that are assigned membership in these roles can access the associated feature.

When defining a user, use the Membership tab to specify the roles in which the new user is a member. The new user shares the privileges associated with each role in which it is a member. For a user to have access to PEM extended functionality, the role must be a member of the pem_user role and the predefined role that grants access to the feature. Use the Roles field to select predefined role names from a list.

The SQL tab displays the SQL command that the server executes when you select Save.

This example creates a login role named acctg_clerk that has access to the Audit Manager. The role can make unlimited connections to the server at any given time.

Create Login Role - SQL tab

You can use PEM predefined roles to allow access to the functionality listed in the table.

ValueParent roleDescription
pem_super_adminRole to manage/configure everything on PEM
pem_adminpem_super_adminRole for administration/management/configuration of all visible agents/servers and monitored objects
pem_configpem_adminRole for configuration management of PEM
pem_componentpem_adminRole to run/execute all wizard/dialog box-based components
pem_rest_apipem_adminRole to access the REST API
pem_server_service_managerpem_adminRole for allowing to restart/reload the monitored database server (if server-id provided)
pem_manage_schedule_taskpem_adminRole to configure the schedule tasks
pem_manage_alertpem_adminRole for managing/configuring alerts and its templates
pem_config_alertpem_config, pem_manage_alertRole for configuring the alerts on any monitored objects
pem_manage_probepem_adminRole to create, update, and delete the custom probes and change custom probe configuration
pem_config_probepem_config, pem_manage_probeRole for probe configuration (history retention, execution frequency, enable/disable the probe) on all visible monitored objects
pem_database_server_registrationpem_adminRole to register a database server
pem_comp_postgres_expertpem_componentRole to run the Postgres Expert
pem_comp_auto_discoverypem_componentRole to run the auto discovery of a database server dialog box
pem_comp_log_analysis_expertpem_componentRole to run the Log Analysis Expert
pem_comp_sqlprofilerpem_componentRole to run the SQL Profiler
pem_manage_efmpem_adminRole to manage Failover Manager
pem_comp_capacity_managerpem_componentRole to run the Capacity Manager
pem_comp_log_managerpem_componentRole to run the Log Manager
pem_comp_audit_managerpem_componentRole to run the Audit Manager
pem_comp_tuning_wizardpem_componentRole to run the Tuning Wizard

Using a team role

When you register a server for monitoring by PEM, you can specify a team to associate with the server. A team is a group role that you can use to allow or restrict access to one or more monitored servers to a limited group of role members. The PEM client displays a server with a specified team only to those users who are:

  • A member of the team role
  • The role that created the server
  • A role with superuser privileges on the PEM server

To create a team role:

  1. In the PEM tree, expand the node for the server where you want to create the role.
  2. Right-click the Login/Group Roles node.
  3. From the context menu, select Create > Login/Group Role.
  4. In the Create - Login/Group Role dialog box, use the fields to specify the properties of the team role.

Object permissions

A role must be granted sufficient privileges before accessing, executing, or creating any database object. PEM allows you to assign (GRANT) and remove (REVOKE) object permissions to group roles or login accounts using the PEM client interface.

Object permissions are managed with the graphical object editor for each particular object. For example, to assign privileges to access a database table, right-click the table name in the tree and select Properties from the context menu. Use the Privileges tab to assign privileges for the table.

The PEM client also contains a Grant wizard (accessed through the Tools menu) that allows you to manage many object permissions at once.

Server configuration parameters - reference

You can use global configuration options to modify aspects of the PEM Server's behavior. The list of configuration parameters is subject to change.

Parameter nameValue and unitDescription
audit_log_retention_time30 daysSpecifies the number of days for an audit log to be retained on the PEM server.
auto_create_agent_alertstrueSpecifies whether to create default agent level alerts automatically when an agent is registered.
auto_create_server_alertstrueSpecifies whether to create default server level alerts automatically when a server is bound to an agent.
chart_disable_bulletsfalseEnables/disables bullets on line charts on dashboards and Capacity Manager reports.
cm_data_points_per_report50Specifies the number of data points to plot on charts on Capacity Manager reports.
cm_max_end_date_in_years5 yearsSpecifies the maximum amount of time for the Capacity Manager to extrapolate data for. Ensures that threshold-based end dates of reports aren't extrapolated indefinitely.
dash_alerts_timeout60 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the components of the Alerts dashboard are refreshed.
dash_db_comrol_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Commit/Rollback Analysis chart on the Database Analysis and Server Analysis dashboards.
dash_db_comrol_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Commits/Rollbacks line chart is refreshed on the Database Analysis and Server Analysis dashboards.
dash_db_connovervw_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Connection Overview pie chart is refreshed on the Database Analysis dashboard.
dash_db_eventlag_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Number of Events Lag chart for slony replication on the Database Analysis dashboard.
dash_db_eventlag_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Number of Events Lag line chart for slony replication is refreshed on the Database Analysis dashboard.
dash_db_hottable_rows25 rowsSpecifies the number of rows to show on the HOT Table Analysis table on the Database Analysis dashboard.
dash_db_hottable_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Hot Tables table is refreshed on the Database Analysis dashboard.
dash_db_io_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Database I/O Analysis chart on the Database Analysis and I/O Analysis dashboards.
dash_db_io_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Database I/O line chart is refreshed on the Database Analysis and I/O Analysis dashboards.
dash_db_rowact_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Row Activity Analysis chart on the Database Analysis, I/O Analysis, and Server Analysis dashboards.
dash_db_rowact_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Row Activity line chart is refreshed on the Database Analysis, I/O Analysis, and Server Analysis dashboards.
dash_db_storage_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Storage bar chart is refreshed on the Database Analysis dashboard.
dash_db_timelag_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Time Lag chart for Slony replication on the Database Analysis dashboard.
dash_db_timelag_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Time Lag line chart for Slony replication is refreshed on the Database Analysis dashboard.
dash_db_useract_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the User Activity Analysis chart on the Database Analysis dashboard.
dash_db_useract_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the User Activity line chart is refreshed on the Database Analysis dashboard.
dash_efm_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Failover Manager Node Status and Failover Manager Cluster Info line chart is refreshed on the Streaming Replication dashboard.
dash_global_overview_timeout30 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the components of the Global Overview dashboard are refreshed.
dash_header_timeout60 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the information on the header of all the dashboards are refreshed.
dash_io_chkpt_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Checkpoints chart on the I/O Analysis dashboard.
dash_io_chkpt_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Checkpoints line chart is refreshed on the I/O Analysis dashboard.
dash_io_hotindx_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Hot Indexes bar chart is refreshed on the I/O Analysis dashboard.
dash_io_hottbl_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Hot Tables bar chart is refreshed on the I/O Analysis dashboard.
dash_io_index_objectio_rows25 rowsSpecifies the number of rows displayed on the Index Activity table on the I/O Analysis and Object Activity Analysis dashboards.
dash_io_index_objectio_timeout60 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Index Activity table is refreshed on the I/O Analysis and Object Activity Analysis dashboards.
dash_io_objectio_rows25 rowsSpecifies the number of rows displayed on the Object I/O Details table on the I/O Analysis and Object Activity Analysis dashboards.
dash_io_objectio_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Object I/O Details table is refreshed on the I/O Analysis and Object Activity Analysis Dashboards.
dash_memory_hostmemact_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Host Memory Activity Analysis chart on the Memory Analysis dashboard.
dash_memory_hostmemact_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Host Memory Activity line chart is refreshed on the Memory Analysis dashboard.
dash_memory_hostmemconf_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Host Memory Configuration pie chart is refreshed on the Memory Analysis and Server Analysis dashboards.
dash_memory_servmemact_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the server Memory Activity Analysis chart on the Memory Analysis dashboard.
dash_memory_servmemact_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Server Memory Activity line chart is refreshed on the Memory Analysis dashboard.
dash_memory_servmemconf_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Server Memory Configuration pie chart is refreshed on the Memory Analysis dashboard.
dash_objectact_objstorage_rows15 rowsSpecifies the number of rows to show on the Object Storage table on the Object Activity Analysis dashboard.
dash_objectact_objstorage_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Object Storage table is refreshed on the Object Activity Analysis dashboard.
dash_objectact_objtopindexes_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Top 5 Largest Indexes bar chart is refreshed on the Object Activity Analysis dashboard.
dash_objectact_objtoptables_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Top 5 Largest Tables bar chart is refreshed on the Object Activity Analysis dashboard.
dash_os_cpu_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the CPU chart on the Operating System Analysis dashboard.
dash_os_cpu_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the CPU line chart is refreshed on the Operating System Analysis dashboard.
dash_os_data_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the I/O line chart on the Operating System Analysis dashboard.
dash_os_disk_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Utilisation chart on the Operating System Analysis dashboard.
dash_os_hostfs_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Host File System Details table is refreshed on the Operating System Analysis dashboard.
dash_os_io_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the I/O line chart is refreshed on the Operating System Analysis dashboard.
dash_os_memory_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Memory chart on the Operating System Analysis dashboard.
dash_os_memory_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Memory line chart is refreshed on the Operating System Analysis dashboard.
dash_os_packet_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Packet chart on the Operating System Analysis dashboard.
dash_os_packet_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Network Packets line chart is refreshed on the Operating System Analysis dashboard.
dash_os_process_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Process chart on the Operating System Analysis dashboard.
dash_os_process_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Process line chart is refreshed on the Operating System Analysis dashboard.
dash_os_storage_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Storage pie chart is refreshed on the Operating System Analysis dashboard.
dash_os_traffic_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Traffic chart on the Operating System Analysis dashboard.
dash_os_traffic_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Traffic line chart is refreshed on the Operating System Analysis dashboard.
dash_os_util_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Utilization line chart is refreshed on the Operating System Analysis dashboard.
dash_probe_log_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Probe Log table refreshed.
dash_replication_archivestat_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the WAL Archive Status chart on the Streaming Replication Analysis dashboard.
dash_replication_archivestat_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the WAL Archive Status line chart is refreshed on the Streaming Replication dashboard.
dash_replication_pagelag_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the WAL Lag Pages chart on the Streaming Replication dashboard.
dash_replication_pagelag_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the WAL Lag Pages line chart is refreshed on the Streaming Replication dashboard.
dash_replication_segmentlag_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the WAL Lag Segments chart on the Streaming Replication dashboard.
dash_replication_segmentlag_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the WAL Lag Segments line chart is refreshed on the Streaming Replication dashboard.
dash_replication_timelag_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Replication Lag Time chart on the Streaming Replication dashboard.
dash_replication_timelag_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Replication Lag Time line chart is refreshed on the Streaming Replication dashboard.
dash_server_buffers_written168 hoursSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Background Writer Statistics chart on the Server Analysis dashboard.
dash_server_buffers_written_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Background Writer Statistics line chart is refreshed on the Server Analysis dashboard.
dash_server_connovervw_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Connection Overview pie chart is refreshed on the Server Analysis dashboard.
dash_server_database_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Databases table is refreshed on the Server Analysis dashboard.
dash_server_dbsize_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Database Size Analysis on the Server Analysis dashboard.
dash_server_dbsize_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Database Size line chart is refreshed on the Server Analysis dashboard.
dash_server_disk_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Disk line chart is refreshed on the Server Analysis dashboard.
dash_server_global_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Disk line chart on the Server Analysis dashboard.
dash_server_sharedbuff_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Shared Buffer chart on the Server Analysis dashboard.
dash_server_sharedbuff_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Shared Buffers line chart is refreshed on the Server Analysis dashboard.
dash_server_tabspacesize_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the Tablespace Size chart on the Server Analysis dashboard.
dash_server_tabspacesize_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Tablespace Size line chart is refreshed on the Server Analysis dashboard.
dash_server_useract_span7 daysSpecifies the number of days worth of data to plot on the User Activity chart on the Server Analysis dashboard.
dash_server_useract_timeout1800 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the User Activity line chart is refreshed on the Server Analysis dashboard.
dash_sessact_lockact_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Session Lock Activity table is refreshed on the Session Activity Analysis dashboard.
dash_sessact_workload_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Session Workload table is refreshed on the Session Activity Analysis dashboard.
dash_sess_waits_timewait_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Session Waits By Time Waited pie chart is refreshed on the Session Waits Analysis dashboard.
dash_sess_waits_waitdtl_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Session Waits Details table is refreshed on the Session Waits Analysis dashboard.
dash_storage_dbdtls_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Database Details table is refreshed on the Storage Analysis dashboard.
dash_storage_dbovervw_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Database Overview pie chart is refreshed on the Storage Analysis dashboard.
dash_storage_hostdtls_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Host Details table is refreshed.
dash_storage_hostovervw_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Host Overview pie chart is refreshed on the Storage Analysis dashboard.
dash_storage_tblspcdtls_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Tablespace Details table is refreshed on the Storage Analysis dashboard.
dash_storage_tblspcovervw_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the Tablespace Overview pie chart is refreshed on the Storage Analysis dashboard.
dash_sys_waits_nowaits_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the System Waits By Number Of Waits pie chart is refreshed on the System Waits Analysis dashboard.
dash_sys_waits_timewait_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the System Waits By Time Waited pie chart is refreshed on the System Waits Analysis dashboard.
dash_sys_waits_waitdtl_timeout300 secondsSpecifies the number of seconds after which the System Waits Details table is refreshed on the System Waits Analysis dashboard.
deleted_charts_retention_time7 daysSpecifies the number of days that a custom chart (displayed on a user-defined dashboard) is stored.
deleted_probes_retention_time7 daysSpecifies the number of days that a custom probe (displayed on a user-defined dashboard) is stored.
download_chart_formatjpegSpecifies the format in which a downloaded chart is stored. Can be jpeg or png.
flapping_detection_state_change3Specifies the number of state changes detected within a specified interval to define a given alert as flapping. Flapping starts when more than N state changes have occurred over [ N + 1 * (min(probe_interval) * 2)] minutes and the fine state is not None. The default value of N is 2 or 3, and min(probe_interval) is the smallest interval for all the probes used by the alert. Flapping ends when ZERO state changes have occurred over [2 N * min(probe_interval)] minutes.
job_retention_time30 daysSpecifies the number of days that nonrecurring scheduled tasks and their associated jobs are retained.
long_running_transaction_minutes5 minutesSpecifies the number of minutes a query executes before being considered long running.
nagios_cmd_file_name<file_name>Specifies nagios command file to which passive service check results are sent.
nagios_enabledtSpecifies whether alert notification are submitted to nagios.
nagios_medium_alert_as_criticalfSpecifies whether a medium level PEM alert is considered critical in nagios.
nagios_spool_retention_time7 daysSpecifies the number of days to retain nagios messages in the spool table before they are discarded.
probe_log_retention_time30 daysSpecifies the number of days that probe log records are retained.
reminder_notification_interval24 hoursSpecifies the number of hours after which a reminder email is sent in case an alert wasn't cleared.
server_log_retention_time30 daysSpecifies the number of days that the server log is retained on the PEM server.
show_data_tab_on_graphfalseIf true, a Data tab is added to each graph. Select the Data tab to review the data that's plotted on the graph.
smtp_authenticationfalseSpecifies whether to enable/disable authentication over SMTP.
smtp_enabledtrueSpecifies whether to enable/disable sending of emails.
smtp_encryptionfalseSpecifies whether to send SMTP email using an encrypted connection.
smtp_passwordSpecifies the password to use to connect to the SMTP server.
smtp_port25Specifies the SMTP server port to use for sending email.
smtp_server127.0.0.1Specifies the SMTP server host address to use for sending email.
smtp_spool_retention_time7 daysSpecifies the number of days to retain sent email messages in the spool table before they are discarded.
smtp_usernameSpecifies the username to used to connect to an SMTP server.
snmp_communitypublicSpecifies the SNMP community used when sending traps. Used only with SNMPv1 and SNMPv2.
snmp_enabledtrueSpecifies whether to enable/disable sending SNMP traps.
snmp_port162Specifies the SNMP server port to use for sending SNMP traps.
snmp_server127.0.0.1Specifies the SNMP server host address to use for sending SNMP traps.
snmp_spool_retention_time7 daysSpecifies the number of days to retain sent traps in the spool table before they are discarded.
snmp_security_nameSpecifies the user name or security name for sending SNMP traps. Used only with SNMPv3.
snmp_security_engine_idSpecifies the engine id of the SNMP agent on the SNMP server. Used only with SNMPv3.
snmp_security_levelNOAUTH_NOPRIVSpecifies security level. Its possible values are: AUTH_NOPRIV - Authentication, No Privacy or AUTH_PRIV - Authentication, Privacy or NOAUTH_NOPRIV - no Authentication, no Privacy. Used only with SNMPv3.
snmp_context_nameSpecifies the context name, the identifier for MIB objects when sending SNMP traps. Used only with SNMPv3.
snmp_context_engine_idSpecifies the context engine id, the identifier for MIB objects when sending SNMP traps. If not specified, snmp_security_engine_id is used. Used only with SNMPv3.
snmp_authentication_protocolNONESpecifies the authentication type for SNMP traps. Its possible values are NONE, HMACMD5, and HMACSHA. Used only with SNMPv3.
snmp_privacy_protocolNONESpecifies the privacy protocol for SNMP traps. Its possible values are NONE, DES, AES128, IDEA, AES192, or AES256. Used only with SNMPv3.
snmp_authentication_passwordSpecifies the authentication password associated with security name mentioned in snmp_security_name. Used only for SNMPv3.
snmp_privacy_passwordSpecifies the privacy password associated with security name mentioned in snmp_security_name. Used only for SNMPv3.
webclient_help_pgEDB hosted documentationSpecifies the location of the online PostgreSQL core documentation.