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Implementing Chemaxon JChem PostgreSQL Cartridge with EDB Postgres Advanced Server requires the following components:

  • A running EDB Postgres Advanced Server instance
  • Java11 runtime environment

Configure Chemaxon JChem PostgreSQL Cartridge for EDB Postgres Advanced Server

The following steps below will help you install and configure Chemaxon JChem PostgreSQL Cartridge:

  1. Download the latest version of Chemaxon JChem PostgreSQL Cartridge.

  2. Install Chemaxon JChem Postgres Cartridge using the following command on CentOS7: yum localinstall jchem-psql-edb-x.y.x86_64.rpm

  3. Copy a valid Chemaxon license to /etc/chemaxon/license.cxl.

mv /home/edb/Desktop/license.cxl /etc/chemaxon/

[root@localhost ~]# ls -lrt /etc/chemaxon/
total 12
-rw-rw-r--. 1 root root 1041 Jun 21  2021 jpc-log4j.xml
-rw-rw-r--. 1 root root 2533 Jun 21  2021 jchem-psql.conf
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root   25 Feb  1 04:27 types
-rw-r--r--. 1 edb  edb   805 Feb  1 04:34 license.cxl
[root@localhost ~]#
  1. Initialize the index directory using the following command: service jchem-psql init

  2. Start the service using the following command: service jchem-psql manual-start

  3. Login into your EDB Postgres Advanced Server instance and create the following extensions:

CREATE EXTENSION chemaxon_type;
         CREATE EXTENSION hstore;
         CREATE EXTENSION chemaxon_framework;
  1. Execute the following command on your EDB Postgres Advanced Server instance to verify that the jchem-psql service is running:
edb=# SELECT 'C'::Molecule('sample') |<| 'CC'::Molecule;
           (1 row)


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