Installing on Mac OS X v55

You can use the graphical installer to install the Migration Toolkit on Mac OS X. To download the installer, visit the Downloads page.

To launch the installer:

  • Navigate to the file path in the terminal:


  • Assume superuser privileges and invoke the following command:

  1. On the Language Selection popup, select an installation language and select OK to continue to the Setup window.

  2. The Migration Toolkit installation wizard opens. Select Next to continue.

The Migration Toolkit installation wizard.

The Migration Toolkit installation wizard

  1. Carefully review the license agreement before highlighting the appropriate radio button; select Next to continue.

The EnterpriseDB license agreement.

The EnterpriseDB license agreement

By default, Migration Toolkit will be installed in the mtk directory; accept the default installation directory as displayed, or modify the directory, and select Next to continue.

Specify a Migration Toolkit installation directory.

Specify a Migration Toolkit installation directory

The installation wizard confirms that the Setup program is ready to install Migration Toolkit; select Next to start the installation.

Setup is ready to start the Migration Toolkit installation.

Setup is ready to start the Migration Toolkit installation

A dialog confirms that the Migration Toolkit installation is complete; select Finish to exit the Migration Toolkit installer.

The Migration Toolkit wizard has finished.

The Migration Toolkit wizard has finished.

After installing Migration Toolkit, you must install the appropriate JDBC drivers before performing a migration. See Installing a JDBC driver for more information.


The EDB JDBC driver is not available for Mac OS.