Version 7.4.0 v7

New features, enhancements, bug fixes, and other changes in Replication Server 7.4.0 include the following:

EnhancementEDB Replication Server is now certified to work with PostgreSQL version 15, which is the newest major version of PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL 15 is now supported both as a source Publication and/or target Subscription database in trigger and WAL based replication cluster configurations.
Bug fixFixed an issue where a redundant duplicate copy of commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar is placed as part of the EDB Replication Server installation on Windows OS.
OtherRemoved support of PostgreSQL 10 and EDB Postgres Advanced Server (EPAS) 10 for use with Replication Server. These versions of PostgreSQL and EPAS have reached end of life and are no longer supported under the normal support agreements.
OtherRemoved support of Oracle 10g for use with Replication Server. This version had previously been tested and certified for use with Replication Server. Although Oracle 10g may continue to work with Replication Server, EDB is no longer performing ongoing verification of it.