Common Problem Checklist v6.2

Use the following checklist to verify that the proper configuration steps have been followed. Omission of one or more of these steps is a common source of errors.

Step 1: Verify that the database server of the publication database, the database server of the subscription database (for single-master replication systems), and the database servers of the primary nodes (for multi-master replication systems) are all running.

Step 2: When viewing information in the xDB Replication Console, click the Refresh icon in the toolbar to ensure you are viewing the most current information, especially after making a configuration change to your replication system.

Step 3: Verify that the publication server and the subscription server (for single-master replication systems) are running. If they are not running and cannot be started see Starting the Publication Server or Subscription Server.

Step 4: If you are using an Oracle publication or subscription database, verify that the Oracle JDBC driver file has been copied to the XDB_HOME/lib/jdbc directory. XDB_HOME is the location where you installed xDB Replication Server.

See Enabling Access to Oracle.

Step 5: Verify that the necessary privileges have been granted to the publication database user.

For an Oracle publication database, verify that the publication database user has CONNECT, RESOURCE, and CREATE ANY TRIGGER privileges.

See Oracle Publication Database.

For a SQL Server publication database, verify the following:

  • In the msdb database, verify that the database user mapped to the SQL Server login given in the publication database definition has EXECUTE and SELECT privileges on schema dbo.
  • In the publication database, verify that the database user mapped to the SQL Server login given in the publication database definition has its default schema set to the schema containing the xDB Replication Server metadata database objects.
  • For the same database user discussed in the prior paragraph, verify that this database user is either the owner of the schema containing the xDB Replication Server metadata database objects, or has the following privileges on this schema: ALTER, EXECUTE, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.
  • For the same database user discussed in the prior paragraph, verify that this database user has CREATE TABLE and CREATE PROCEDURE privileges.
  • For the same database user discussed in the prior paragraph, verify that this database user has ALTER privilege on the publication tables.
  • For any database user that will be updating the publication tables, verify that these database users have EXECUTE, SELECT, and INSERT privileges on the schema containing the xDB Replication Server metadata database objects.

See SQL Server Publication Database.

For a Postgres publication database in a single-master replication system, verify that the publication database user is a superuser and has the privilege to modify pg_catalog tables. See Postgres Publication Database.

For the primary definition node in a multi-master replication system, verify that the publication database user is a superuser and has the privilege to modify pg_catalog tables. See Section Preparing the Primary definition node.

For a primary node other than the primary definition node in a multi-master replication system, verify that the primary node database user is a superuser and has the privilege to modify pg_catalog tables. See Preparing Additional Primary nodes.

Step 6: Verify that the necessary privileges have been granted to the subscription database user.

For an Oracle subscription database, verify that the subscription database user has CONNECT and RESOURCE privileges.

For a Postgres subscription database, verify that the subscription database user is a superuser and has the privilege to modify pg_catalog tables. See Preparing the Subscription Database.

Step 7 (For Linux only): Verify that the network IP address returned by the /sbin/ifconfig command either matches the IP address associated with the host name in the /etc/hosts file (see Network IP Addresses), or matches the IP address specified with the java.rmi.server.hostname configuration option in the publication and subscription server configuration files (see Assigning an IP Address for Remote Method Invocation).