Updating a Subscription (updatesub) v6.2

For SMR only: The updatesub command allows you to update certain metadata of a given subscription. This metadata allows the subscription server to find the host running the publication server that manages the publication associated with the subscription.


-updatesub subname
  -subsvrfile subsvrfile
  -pubsvrfile pubsvrfile
  -host newpubsvr_ipaddress
  -port newpubsvr_port

The updatesub command allows you to update the subscription metadata consisting of the IP address and port number identifying the publication server that is the parent of the publication associated with the subscription.

This metadata is essential to the proper operation of the replication system since it is the means by which subscription server locates the publication server whenever a replication needs to be performed on a given subscription. The replication process is always carried out by the publication server that manages the publication associated with the subscription.

You would use the updatesub command in the scenario where you have built your replication system using IP addresses that are valid at that point in time. At some later point, the IP address assigned to the host running the publication server has changed.

You use the host and port parameters of the updatesub command to supply the new network address identifying the publication server.

See Updating a Subscription for additional information on updating a subscription.



The name of the subscription whose metadata is to be updated.


The file containing the subscription server login information for the subscription server in which subscription subname was created.


The file containing publication server login information for the publication server that manages the publication associated with subscription subname. Note that the values that you supply for newpubsvr_ipaddress and newpubsvc_port must be the same as the values set in fields host and port in file pubsvrfile.


The new IP address for the publication server that manages the publication associated with subscription subname. This value must be the same as the IP address specified for field host in file pubsvrfile.


The new port number for the publication server that manages the publication associated with subscription subname. This value must be the same as the port number specified for field port in file pubsvrfile.


If the publication server host IP address has been changed to, then make sure the publication server login information in file pubsvrfile.prop contains the new IP address as shown by the following:

# Password is in encrypted form.

To update the metadata for subscription dept_emp_sub so that its subscription server can find the new publication server host, run the following command:

$ java -jar edb-repcli.jar -updatesub dept_emp_sub \
>   -subsvrfile ~/subsvrfile.prop \
>   -pubsvrfile ~/pubsvrfile.prop \
>   -host \
>   -port 9051
Updating subscription dept_emp_sub...

Subscription is updated successfully