Print Schedule (printschedule) v6.2

The printschedule command prints a recurring replication schedule.


-printschedule { subname | pubname }
  -repsvrfile { subsvrfile | pubsvrfile }
[ -repgrouptype { s | m } ]
For a single-master replication system use:
-printschedule subname –repsvrfile subsvrfile

For a multi-master replication system use:

-printschedule pubname -repsvrfile pubsvrfile -repgrouptype m



For SMR only: The name of the subscription for which the schedule is to be printed.


For MMR only: The name of the publication for which the schedule is to be printed.


For SMR only: The file containing the subscription server login information.


For MMR only: The file containing the publication server login information.


Specify s if this command applies to a single-master replication system. Specify m if this command applies to a multi-master replication system. If omitted, the default is s.


In the following example the schedule is printed for a subscription in a single-master replication system.

$ java -jar edb-repcli.jar -printschedule dept_emp_sub \
>   -repsvrfile ~/subsvrfile.prop
Printing subscription schedule ...

Job type                Synchronize

Scheduled time          2012-06-19 13:27:20

Previous fire time      2012-06-19 13:27:20

Next fire time          2012-06-19 13:32:20

In the following example the schedule is printed for a publication in a multi-master replication system. Note that the -repgrouptype m parameter is required in this case.

$ java -jar edb-repcli.jar -printschedule emp_pub \
>   -repsvrfile ~/pubsvrfile.prop \
>   -repgrouptype m
Printing subscription schedule ...

Job type                Synchronize

Scheduled time          2012-06-19 13:27:55

Previous fire time      Not available

Next fire time          2012-06-20 08:00:00

Cron expression         0 0 8 * * ?