Performing a Synchronization (dosynchronize) v6.2

The dosynchronize command performs synchronization replication on the specified subscription for a single-master replication system, or for an entire multi-master replication system.


-dosynchronize { subname | pubname }
  -repsvrfile { subsvrfile | pubsvrfile }
[ -repgrouptype { s | m } ]
For a single-master replication system use:
-dosynchronize subname –repsvrfile subsvrfile

For a multi-master replication system use:

-dosynchronize pubname -repsvrfile pubsvrfile -repgrouptype m


(For SMR only): The dosynchronize command can be used on a subscription without first having to perform a snapshot using the dosnapshot command. The dosynchronize command automatically performs the first required snapshot.


(For MMR only): Be sure an initial snapshot replication has been performed from the primary definition node to every other primary node in the multi-master replication system. If a newly added primary node did not undergo an initial snapshot, any subsequent synchronization replication may fail to apply the transactions to that primary node. The initial snapshot could be taken when the primary node is first added (see Creating Additional Primary nodes or Section Adding a Publication Database ) or by performing an on demand snapshot (see Performing Snapshot Replication or Section Take a Multi-Master Snapshot).

See Performing Synchronization Replication for additional information on performing synchronization replication for a single-master replication system. See Performing Synchronization Replication for a multi-master replication system.



For SMR only: The name of the subscription for which synchronization replication is to be performed.


For MMR only: The name of the publication for which synchronization replication is to be performed.


For SMR only: The file containing the subscription server login information.


For MMR only: The file containing the publication server login information.


Specify s if this command applies to a single-master replication system. Specify m if this command applies to a multi-master replication system. If omitted, the default is s.


In the following example, synchronization replication is performed on subscription dept_emp_sub of a single-master replication system.

$ java -jar edb-repcli.jar -dosynchronize dept_emp_sub \
>   -repsvrfile ~/subsvrfile.prop
Performing synchronize...
Synchronize done successfully.

In the following example, synchronization replication is performed on publication emp_pub of a multi-master replication system. Note that the -repgrouptype m parameter is required in this case.

$ java -jar edb-repcli.jar -dosynchronize emp_pub \
>   -repsvrfile ~/pubsvrfile.prop -repgrouptype m
Performing synchronize...
Publication synchronized successfully.