Installation and Uninstallation v6.2

This chapter describes how to install and uninstall xDB Replication Server.

Installation of xDB Replication Server can be accomplished a number of different ways:

  • Using a graphical user interface
  • Running the xDB Replication Server installer program from the command line console in text or unattended mode
  • Installing the xDB RPM package using the Yum package manager

The most common installation of xDB Replication Server is done with the graphical user interface invoked by Stack Builder or StackBuilder Plus depending upon whether you are using PostgreSQL or Advanced Server.

  • For PostgreSQL. Install xDB Replication Server using Stack Builder after you have installed PostgreSQL.
  • For Advanced Server. Install xDB Replication Server using StackBuilder Plus after you have installed Advanced Server.

For circumstances in which you do not wish to use the graphical user interface, the xDB Replication Server installer program can be downloaded from the EnterpriseDB website, and then invoked in text or unattended mode as well as the graphical user interface mode. See Installing from the Command Line for instructions on installing xDB Replication Server from the command line.

The xDB Replication Server product is also available as an RPM package in which case the Yum package manager is used for installation. See Installing the xDB RPM Package for instructions on installing xDB Replication Server from the RPM package.

Section Installing With Stack Builder or StackBuilder Plus describes the installation of xDB Replication Server through the graphical user interface of Stack Builder or StackBuilder Plus.


If you have an older version of xDB Replication Server and existing replication systems, review Section Upgrading to xDB Replication Server 6.2 before installing xDB Replication Server.

If you later decide you wish to remove xDB Replication Server from your system see Section Uninstalling xDB Replication Server for directions on uninstalling xDB Replication Server if you initially installed it with the graphical user interface or by invoking the installer program from the command line. See Uninstalling the xDB RPM Package for directions on uninstalling xDB Replication Server that was installed from the RPM package.

installing_with_stackbuilder installing_from_cli installing_rpm_package installing_xDB_sles_12_host post_installation_host_environment uninstalling_xdb_replication_server uninstalling_xdb_rpm_package