EDB*Loader v15

EDB*Loader is a high-performance bulk data loader that provides an interface compatible with Oracle databases for EDB Postgres Advanced Server. The EDB*Loader command line utility loads data from an input source, typically a file, into one or more tables using a subset of the parameters offered by Oracle SQL*Loader.

EDB*Loader features include:

  • Support for the Oracle SQL*Loader data loading methods (conventional path load, direct path load, and parallel direct path load)
  • Syntax for control file directives compatible with Oracle SQL*Loader
  • Input data with delimiter-separated or fixed-width fields
  • Bad file for collecting rejected records
  • Loading of multiple target tables
  • Discard file for collecting records that don't meet the selection criteria of any target table
  • Log file for recording the EDB*Loader session and any error messages
  • Data loading from standard input and remote loading, particularly useful for large data sources on remote hosts

The following are important version compatibility restrictions between the EDB*Loader client and the database server.

  • When you invoke the EDB*Loader program (called edbldr), you pass in parameters and directive information to the database server. We strongly recommend that you use the version 14 EDB*Loader client (the edbldr program supplied with EDB Postgres Advanced Server 14) to load data only into version 14 of the database server. In general, use the same version for the EDB*Loader client and database server.

  • Using EDB*Loader with connection poolers such as PgPool-II and PgBouncer isn't supported. EDB*Loader must connect directly to EDB Postgres Advanced Server version 14. Alternatively, the following are some of the commands you can use for loading data through connection poolers:

    psql \copy
    jdbc copyIn
    psycopg2 copy_from

Data loading methods

As with Oracle SQL*Loader, EDB*Loader supports three data loading methods:

  • Conventional path load
  • Direct path load
  • Parallel direct path load

Conventional path load is the default method used by EDB*Loader. Use basic insert processing to add rows to the table.

The advantage of a conventional path load is that table constraints and database objects defined on the table are enforced during a conventional path load. Table constraints and database objects include primary keys, not null constraints, check constraints, unique indexes, foreign key constraints, triggers, and so on.

One exception is that the EDB Postgres Advanced Server rules defined on the table aren't enforced. EDB*Loader can load tables on which rules are defined. However, the rules aren't executed. As a consequence, you can't load partitioned tables implemented using rules with EDB*Loader.


Create EDB Postgres Advanced Server rules using the CREATE RULE command. EDB Postgres Advanced Server rules aren't the same database objects as rules and rule sets used in Oracle.

EDB*Loader also supports direct path loads. A direct path load is faster than a conventional path load but requires removing most types of constraints and triggers from the table. For more information, see Direct path load.

EDB*Loader supports parallel direct path loads. A parallel direct path load provides even greater performance improvement by permitting multiple EDB*Loader sessions to run simultaneously to load a single table. For more information, see Parallel direct path load.

General usage

EDB*Loader can load data files with either delimiter-separated or fixed-width fields in single-byte or multibyte character sets. The delimiter can be a string consisting of one or more single-byte or multibyte characters. Data file encoding and the database encoding can differ. Character set conversion of the data file to the database encoding is supported.

Each EDB*Loader session runs as a single, independent transaction. If an error occurs during the EDB*Loader session that aborts the transaction, all changes made during the session are rolled back.

Generally, formatting errors in the data file don't result in an aborted transaction. Instead, the badly formatted records are written to a text file called the bad file. The reason for the error is recorded in the log file.

Records causing database integrity errors result in an aborted transaction and rollback. As with formatting errors, the record causing the error is written to the bad file and the reason is recorded in the log file.


EDB*Loader differs from Oracle SQL*Loader in that a database integrity error results in a rollback in EDB*Loader. In Oracle SQL*Loader, only the record causing the error is rejected. Records that were previously inserted into the table are retained, and loading continues after the rejected record.

The following are examples of types of formatting errors that don't abort the transaction:

  • Attempt to load non-numeric value into a numeric column
  • Numeric value too large for a numeric column
  • Character value too long for the maximum length of a character column
  • Attempt to load improperly formatted date value into a date column

The following are examples of types of database errors that abort the transaction and result in the rollback of all changes made in the EDB*Loader session:

  • Violating a unique constraint such as a primary key or unique index
  • Violating a referential integrity constraint
  • Violating a check constraint
  • Error thrown by a trigger fired as a result of inserting rows

Building the EDB*Loader control file

When you invoke EDB*Loader, the list of arguments provided must include the name of a control file. The control file includes the instructions that EDB*Loader uses to load the tables from the input data file. The control file includes information such as:

  • The name of the input data file containing the data to load
  • The name of the tables to load from the data file
  • Names of the columns in the tables and their corresponding field placement in the data file
  • Specification of whether the data file uses a delimiter string to separate the fields or if the fields occupy fixed column positions
  • Optional selection criteria to choose the records from the data file to load into a given table
  • The name of the file that collects illegally formatted records
  • The name of the discard file that collects records that don't meet the selection criteria of any table

The syntax for the EDB*Loader control file is:

[ OPTIONS (<param=value> [, <param=value> ] ...) ]
  [ CHARACTERSET <charset> ]
  [ INFILE '{ <data_file> | <stdin> }' ]
  [ BADFILE '<bad_file>' ]
  [ DISCARDFILE '<discard_file>' ]
  [ { DISCARDMAX | DISCARDS } <max_discard_recs> ]
{ INTO TABLE <target_table>
  [ WHEN <field_condition> [ AND <field_condition> ] ...]
  [ FIELDS TERMINATED BY '<termstring>'
    [ OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '<enclstring>' ] ]
  [ RECORDS DELIMITED BY '<delimstring>' ]
   (<field_def> [, <field_def> ] ...)
} ...

Where field_def defines a field in the specified data_file. The field describes the location, data format, or value of the data to insert into column_name of target_table. The syntax of field_def is:

<column_name> {
  CONSTANT <val> |
  FILLER [ POSITION (<start:end>) ] [ <fieldtype> ] |
  BOUNDFILLER [ POSITION (<start:end>) ] [ <fieldtype> ] |
  [ POSITION (<start:end>) ] [ <fieldtype> ]
  [ NULLIF <field_condition> [ AND <field_condition> ] ...]
  [ PRESERVE BLANKS ] [ "<expr>" ]

Where fieldtype is one of:

CHAR [(<length>)] | DATE [(<length>)] | TIMESTAMP [(<length>)] [ "<datemask>" ] | 
INTEGER EXTERNAL [(<length>)] |
FLOAT EXTERNAL [(<length>)] | DECIMAL EXTERNAL [(<length>)] |
ZONED EXTERNAL [(<length>)] | ZONED [(<precision> [,<scale>])]


The specification of data_file, bad_file, and discard_file can include the full directory path or a relative directory path to the file name. If the file name is specified alone or with a relative directory path, the file is then assumed to exist, in the case of data_file, relative to the current working directory from which you invoke edbldr. In the case of bad_fileordiscard_file`, it's created.

You can include references to environment variables in the EDB*Loader control file when referring to a directory path or file name. Environment variable references are formatted differently on Windows systems than on Linux systems:

  • On Linux, the format is $ENV_VARIABLE or ${ENV_VARIABLE}.
  • On Windows, the format is %ENV_VARIABLE%.

Where ENV_VARIABLE is the environment variable that's set to the directory path or file name.

Set the EDBLDR_ENV_STYLE environment variable to interpret environment variable references as Windows-styled references or Linux-styled references regardless of the operating system on which EDB*Loader resides. You can use this environment variable to create portable control files for EDB*Loader.

  • On a Windows system, set EDBLDR_ENV_STYLE to linux or unix to recognize Linux-style references in the control file.
  • On a Linux system, set EDBLDR_ENV_STYLE to windows to recognize Windows-style references in the control file.

The operating system account enterprisedb must have read permission on the directory and file specified by data_file.

The operating system account enterprisedb must have write permission on the directories where bad_file and discard_file are written.


The file names for data_file, bad_file, and discard_file must have extensions .dat, .bad, and .dsc, respectively. If the provided file name doesn't have an extension, EDB*Loader assumes the actual file name includes the appropriate extension.

Suppose an EDB*Loader session results in data format errors, the BADFILE clause isn't specified, and the BAD parameter isn't given on the command line when edbldr is invoked. In this case, a bad file is created with the name control_file_base.bad in the directory from which edbldr is invoked. control_file_base is the base name of the control file used in the edbldr session.

If all of the following conditions are true, the discard file isn't created even if the EDB*Loader session results in discarded records:

  • The DISCARDFILE clause for specifying the discard file isn't included in the control file.
  • The DISCARD parameter for specifying the discard file isn't included on the command line.
  • The DISCARDMAX clause for specifying the maximum number of discarded records isn't included in the control file.
  • The DISCARDS clause for specifying the maximum number of discarded records isn't included in the control file.
  • The DISCARDMAX parameter for specifying the maximum number of discarded records isn't included on the command line.

Suppose you don't specify the DISCARDFILE clause and the DISCARD parameter for explicitly specifying the discard file name, but you do specify DISCARDMAX or DISCARDS. In this case, the EDB*Loader session creates a discard file using the data file name with an extension of .dsc.


The keywords DISCARD and DISCARDS differ. DISCARD is an EDB*Loader command line parameter used to specify the discard file name (see General usage). DISCARDS is a clause of the LOAD DATA directive that can appear only in the control file. Keywords DISCARDS and DISCARDMAX provide the same functionality of specifying the maximum number of discarded records allowed before terminating the EDB*Loader session. Records loaded into the database before terminating the EDB*Loader session due to exceeding the DISCARDS or DISCARDMAX settings are kept in the database. They aren't rolled back.

Specifying one of INSERT, APPEND, REPLACE, or TRUNCATE establishes the default action for adding rows to target tables. The default action is INSERT.

If you specify the FIELDS TERMINATED BY clause, then you can't specify the POSITION (start:end) clause for any field_def. Alternatively, if you don't specify the FIELDS TERMINATED BY clause, then every field_def must contain the POSITION (start:end) clause, the fieldtype(length) clause, or the CONSTANT clause.


OPTIONS param=value

Use the OPTIONS clause to specify param=value pairs that represent an EDB*Loader directive. If you specify a parameter in the OPTIONS clause and on the command line when edbldr is invoked, the command line setting takes effect.

Specify one or more of the following parameter/value pairs:


    With DIRECT set to TRUE, EDB*Loader performs a direct path load instead of a conventional path load. The default value of DIRECT is FALSE.

    Don't set DIRECT=true when loading the data into a replicated table. If you're using EDB*Loader to load data into a replicated table and set DIRECT=true, indexes might omit rows that are in a table or can potentially contain references to rows that were deleted. Direct inserts to load data into replicated tables aren't supported.

    For information on direct path loads see, Direct path load.

  • ERRORS=error_count

    error_count specifies the number of errors permitted before aborting the EDB*Loader session. The default is 50.


    Set FREEZE to TRUE to copy the data with the rows frozen. A tuple guaranteed to be visible to all current and future transactions is marked as frozen to prevent transaction ID wraparound. For more information about frozen tuples, see the [PostgreSQL core documentation](<https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/routine-vacuuming.html).

    You must specify a data-loading type of TRUNCATE in the control file when using the FREEZE option. FREEZE isn't supported for direct loading.

    By default, FREEZE is FALSE.


    Set PARALLEL to TRUE to indicate that this EDB*Loader session is one of a number of concurrent EDB*Loader sessions participating in a parallel direct path load. The default value of PARALLEL is FALSE.

    When PARALLEL is TRUE, you must also set the DIRECT parameter to TRUE. For more information about parallel direct path loads, see Parallel direct path load.

  • ROWS=n

    n specifies the number of rows that EDB*Loader commits before loading the next set of n rows.

    If EDB*Loader encounters an invalid row during a load in which the ROWS parameter is specified, those rows committed prior to encountering the error remain in the destination table.

  • SKIP=skip_count

    skip_count specifies the number of records at the beginning of the input data file to skip before loading begins. The default is 0.


    If SKIP_INDEX_MAINTENANCE is TRUE, index maintenance isn't performed as part of a direct path load, and indexes on the loaded table are marked as invalid. The default value of SKIP_INDEX_MAINTENANCE is FALSE.


    During a parallel direct path load, target table indexes aren't updated. They are marked as invalid after the load is complete.

    You can use the REINDEX command to rebuild an index. For more information about the REINDEX command, see the PostgreSQL core documentation.


Use the CHARACTERSET clause to identify the character set encoding of data_file, where charset is the character set name. This clause is required if the data file encoding differs from the control file encoding. The control file encoding must always be in the encoding of the client where edbldr is invoked.

Examples of charset settings are UTF8, SQL_ASCII, and SJIS.

For more information about client-to-database character-set conversion, see the PostgreSQL core documentation.


File containing the data to load into target_table. Each record in the data file corresponds to a row to insert into target_table.

If you don't include an extension in the file name, EDB*Loader assumes the file has an extension of .dat, for example, mydatafile.dat.

!!! Note If you specify the DATA parameter on the command line when invoking edbldr, the file given by the command line DATA parameter is used instead.

If you omit the INFILE clause and the command line DATA parameter, then the data file name is assumed to be the same as the control file name but with the extension .dat.


Specify stdin (all lowercase letters) if you want to use standard input to pipe the data to load directly to EDB*Loader. This technique is useful for data sources generating a large number of records to load.


A file that receives data_file records that can't load due to errors. The bad file is generated for collecting rejected or bad records.

For EDB Postgres Advanced Server version 12 and later, a bad file is generated only if there are any bad or rejected records. However, if an existing bad file has the same name and location, and no bad records are generated after invoking a new version of edbldr, the existing bad file remains intact.

If you don't include an extension in the file name, EDB*Loader assumes the file has an extension of .bad, for example, mybadfile.bad.

!!! Note If you specify the BAD parameter on the command line when invoking edbldr, the file given with the command line BAD parameter is used instead.


File that receives input data records that aren't loaded into any table. This input data records are discarded because none of the selection criteria are met for tables with the WHEN clause and there are no tables without a WHEN clause. All records meet the selection criteria of a table without a WHEN clause.

If you don't include an extension with the file name, EDB*Loader assumes the file has an extension of .dsc, for example, mydiscardfile.dsc.

!!! Note If you specify the DISCARD parameter on the command line when invoking edbldr, the file given with the command line DISCARD parameter is used instead.

{ DISCARDMAX | DISCARDS } max_discard_recs

Maximum number of discarded records that the input data records can encounter before terminating the EDB*Loader session. You can use either keyword DISCARDMAX or DISCARDS preceding the integer value specified by max_discard_recs.

For example, if max_discard_recs is 0, then the EDB*Loader session is terminated when a first discarded record is encountered. If max_discard_recs is 1, then the EDB*Loader session is terminated when a second discarded record is encountered.

When the EDB*Loader session is terminated due to exceeding max_discard_recs, prior input data records that were loaded into the database are retained. They aren't rolled back.


Specifies how to load data into the target tables. Specifying one of INSERT, APPEND, REPLACE, or TRUNCATE establishes the default action for all tables, overriding the default of INSERT.


    Data is loaded into an empty table. EDB*Loader throws an exception and doesn't load any data if the table isn't initially empty.


    If the table contains rows, you must use the TRUNCATE command to empty the table before invoking EDB*Loader. EDB*Loader throws an exception if you use the DELETE command to empty the table instead of the TRUNCATE command. Oracle SQL*Loader allows you to empty the table by using either the DELETE or TRUNCATE command.


    Data is added to any existing rows in the table. The table also can be empty initially.


    The REPLACE keyword and TRUNCATE keywords are functionally identical. The table is truncated by EDB*Loader before loading the new data.


    Delete triggers on the table aren't fired as a result of the REPLACE operation.


    The table is truncated by EDB*Loader before loading the new data. Delete triggers on the table aren't fired as a result of the TRUNCATE operation.


The PRESERVE BLANKS option works only with the OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY clause. It retains leading and trailing whitespaces for both delimited and predetermined size fields.

In case of NO PRESERVE BLANKS, if the fields are delimited, then only leading whitespaces are omitted. If any trailing whitespaces are present, they are left intact. In the case of predetermined-sized fields with NO PRESERVE BLANKS, the trailing whitespaces are omitted. Any leading whitespaces are left intact.

!!! Note If you don't explicitly provide PRESERVE BLANKS or NO PRESERVE BLANKS, then the behavior defaults to NO PRESERVE BLANKS. This option doesn't work for ideographic whitespaces.


Name of the table into which to load data. The table name can be schema-qualified (for example, enterprisedb.emp). The specified target can't be a view.


Conditional clause taking the following form:

[ ( ] { (start:end) | column_name } { = | != | <> } 'val' [ ) ]

This conditional clause is used for the WHEN clause, which is part of the INTO TABLE target_table clause. It's also used for the NULLIF clause, which is part of the field definition denoted as field_def in the syntax diagram.

start and end are positive integers specifying the column positions in data_file that mark the beginning and end of a field to compare with the constant val. The first character in each record begins with a start value of 1.

column_name specifies the name assigned to a field definition of the data file as defined by field_def in the syntax diagram.

Using (start:end) or column_name defines the portion of the record in data_file to compare with the value specified by val to evaluate as either true or false.

All characters used in the field_condition text (particularly in the val string) must be valid in the database encoding. For performing data conversion, EDB*Loader first converts the characters in val string to the database encoding and then to the data file encoding.

In the WHEN field_condition [ AND field_condition ] clause, if all such conditions evaluate to TRUE for a given record, then EDB*Loader attempts to insert that record into target_table. If the insert operation fails, the record is written to bad_file.

Suppose, for a given record, that none of the WHEN clauses evaluate to TRUE for all INTO TABLE clauses. The record is written to discard_file if a discard file was specified for the EDB*Loader session.

See the description of the NULLIF clause in this parameters list for the effect of field_condition on this clause.


String of one or more characters that separates each field in data_file. The characters can be single byte or multibyte. However, they must be valid in the database encoding. Two consecutive appearances of termstring with no intervening character results in the corresponding column being set to null.


String of one or more characters used to enclose a field value in data_file. The characters can be single byte or multibyte, However, they must be valid in the database encoding. Use enclstring on fields where termstring appears as part of the data.


String of one or more characters that separates each record in data_file. The characters can be single byte or multibyte. However, they must be valid in the database encoding. Two consecutive appearances of delimstring with no intervening character results in no corresponding row being loaded into the table. You must also terminate the last record (that is, the end of the data file) with the delimstring characters. Otherwise, the final record isn't loaded into the table.

!!! Note The RECORDS DELIMITED BY 'delimstring' clause isn't compatible with Oracle databases.


If you specify TRAILING NULLCOLS, then the columns in the column list for which there's no data in data_file for a given record are set to null when the row is inserted. This option applies only to one or more consecutive columns at the end of the column list.

If fields are omitted at the end of a record and you don't specify TRAILING NULLCOLS, EDB*Loader assumes the record contains formatting errors and writes it to the bad file.


Name of a column in target_table into which to insert a field value defined by field_def. If the field definition includes the FILLER or BOUNDFILLER clause, then column_name isn't required as the name of a column in the table. It can be any identifier name since the FILLER and BOUNDFILLER clauses prevent loading the field data into a table column.


Specifies a constant that's type-compatible with the column data type to which it's assigned in a field definition. You can use single or double quotes around val. If val contains white space, then you must use quotation marks around it.

The use of the CONSTANT clause determines the value to assign to a column in each inserted row. No other clause can appear in the same field definition.

If you use the TERMINATED BY clause to delimit the fields in data_file, there must be no delimited field in data_file corresponding to any field definition with a CONSTANT clause. In other words, EDB*Loader assumes there's no field in data_file for any field definition with a CONSTANT clause.


Specifies not to load the data in the field defined by the field definition into the associated column if the identifier of the field definition is an actual column name in the table. In this case, the column is set to null. Use of the FILLER or BOUNDFILLER clause is the only circumstance in which you don't have to identify the field definition with an actual column name.

Unlike the BOUNDFILLER clause, you can't reference an identifier defined with the FILLER clause in a SQL expression. See the discussion of the expr parameter.


Specifies not to load the data in the field defined by the field definition into the associated column if the identifier of the field definition is an actual column name in the table. In this case, the column is set to null. Use of the FILLER or BOUNDFILLER clause is the only circumstance in which you don't have to identify the field definition with an actual column name.

Unlike the FILLER clause, a SQL expression can reference an identifier defined with the BOUNDFILLER clause. See the discussion of the expr parameter.

POSITION (start:end)

Defines the location of the field in a record in a fixed-width field data file. start and end are positive integers. The first character in the record has a start value of 1.

CHAR [(<length>)] | DATE [(<length>)] | TIMESTAMP [(<length>)] [ "<datemask>" ] | 
INTEGER EXTERNAL [(<length>)] |
FLOAT EXTERNAL [(<length>)] | DECIMAL EXTERNAL [(<length>)] |
ZONED EXTERNAL [(<length>)] | ZONED [(<precision>[,<scale>])]

Field type that describes the format of the data field in data_file.

!!! Note Specifying a field type is optional for descriptive purposes and has no effect on whether EDB*Loader successfully inserts the data in the field into the table column. Successful loading depends on the compatibility of the column data type and the field value. For example, a column with data type NUMBER(7,2) successfully accepts a field containing 2600. However, if the field contains a value such as 26XX, the insertion fails, and the record is written to bad_file.

ZONED data is not human readable. ZONED data is stored in an internal format where each digit is encoded in a separate nibble/nybble/4-bit field. In each ZONED value, the last byte contains a single digit in the high-order 4 bits and the sign in the low-order 4 bits.


Specifies the length of the value to load into the associated column.

If you specify the POSITION (start:end) clause with a fieldtype(length) clause, then the ending position of the field is overridden by the specified length value. That is, the length of the value to load into the column is determined by the length value beginning at the start position and not by the end position of the POSITION (start:end) clause. Thus, the value to load into the column might be shorter than the field defined by POSITION (start:end). Or, it might go beyond the end position, depending on the specified length size.

If you specify the FIELDS TERMINATED BY 'termstring' clause as part of the INTO TABLE clause, and a field definition contains the fieldtype(length) clause, then a record is accepted. However, the specified length values must be greater than or equal to the field lengths as determined by the termstring characters enclosing all such fields of the record. If the specified length value is less than a field length as determined by the enclosing termstring characters for any such field, then the record is rejected.

If you don't specify the FIELDS TERMINATED BY 'termstring' clause, and you don't include the POSITION (start:end) clause with a field containing the fieldtype(length) clause, then the starting position of this field begins with the next character following the ending position of the preceding field. The ending position of the preceding field is either:

  • The end of its length value if the preceding field contains the fieldtype(length) clause
  • Its end parameter if the field contains the POSITION (start:end) clause without the fieldtype(length) clause


Use precision to specify the length of the ZONED value.

If the precision value specified for ZONED conflicts with the length calculated by the server based on information provided with the POSITION clause, EDB*Loader uses the value specified for precision.


Specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in a ZONED value.


Specifies the ordering and abbreviation of the day, month, and year components of a date field.

!!! Note If you specify the DATE or TIMESTAMP field type with a SQL expression for the column, then you must specify datemask after DATE or TIMESTAMP and before the SQL expression. See the discussion of the expr parameter.

When using the TIMESTAMP field datatype, if you specify time_stamp timestamp "yyyymmddhh24miss", the datemask is converted to the SQL expression. However, in the case of time_stamp timestamp "select to_timestamp(:time_stamp, 'yyyymmddhh24miss')", EDB*Loader can't differentiate between datemask and the SQL expression. It treats the third field (SQL expression in the example) as datemask and prepares the SQL expression, which isn't valid. Where:

  • first field specifies the column name.
  • second field specifies the datatype.
  • third field specifies the datemask.

If you want to provide an SQL expression, then a workaround is to specify the datemask and SQL expression using the TO_CHAR function as:

time_stamp timestamp "yyyymmddhh24miss" "to_char(to_timestamp(:time_stamp, 'yyyymmddhh24miss'), 'yyyymmddhh24miss')"

NULLIF field_condition [ AND field_condition ] ...

See the description of field_condition in this parameter list for the syntax of field_condition.

If all field conditions evaluate to TRUE, then the column identified by column_name in the field definition is set to null. If any field condition evaluates to FALSE, then the column is set to the appropriate value as normally occurs according to the field definition.


The PRESERVE BLANKS option works only with the OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY clause and retains leading and trailing whitespaces for both delimited and predetermined size fields.

In case of NO PRESERVE BLANKS, if the fields are delimited, then only leading whitespaces are omitted. If any trailing whitespaces are present, they are left intact. In the case of predetermined-sized fields with NO PRESERVE BLANKS, the trailing whitespaces are omitted, and any leading whitespaces are left intact.

!!! Note If you don't provide PRESERVE BLANKS or NO PRESERVE BLANKS, then the behavior defaults to NO PRESERVE BLANKS. This option doesn't work for ideographic whitespaces.


A SQL expression returning a scalar value that's type-compatible with the column data type to which it's assigned in a field definition. Use double quotes around expr. expr can contain a reference to any column in the field list except for fields with the FILLER clause. Prefix the column name using a colon (:).

expr can also consist of a SQL SELECT statement. If you use a SELECT statement:

  • Enclose the SELECT statement in parentheses, that is, (SELECT ...).

  • The select list must consist of one expression following the SELECT keyword.

  • The result set must not return more than one row. If no rows are returned, then the returned value of the resulting expression is null.

    The following is the syntax for a SELECT statement:

    "(SELECT <expr> [ FROM <table_list> [ WHERE <condition> ] ])"

    Omitting the FROM table_list clause isn't compatible with Oracle databases. If you don't need to specify any tables, using the FROM DUAL clause is compatible with Oracle databases.

EDB* Loader control file examples

The following are some examples of control files and their corresponding data files.

Delimiter-separated field data file

This control file uses a delimiter-separated data file that appends rows to the emp table. The APPEND clause is used to allow inserting additional rows into the emp table.

  INFILE 'emp.dat'
    BADFILE 'emp.bad'

The following is the corresponding delimiter-separated data file:

9104,"JONES, JR.",MANAGER,7839,02-APR-09,7975.00,20

The use of the TRAILING NULLCOLS clause allows you to omit the last field supplying the comm column from the first and last records. The comm column is set to null for the rows inserted from these records.

Double quotation marks surround the value JONES, JR. in the last record since the comma delimiter character is part of the field value.

This query displays the rows added to the table after the EDB*Loader session:

SELECT * FROM emp WHERE empno > 9100;
empno| ename     | job     | mgr|   hiredate        | sal   | comm   |deptno
  9101| ROGERS    | CLERK   |7902| 17-DEC-10 00:00:00|1980.00|        |  20
  9102| PETERSON  | SALESMAN|7698| 20-DEC-10 00:00:00|2600.00| 2300.00|  30
  9103| WARREN    | SALESMAN|7698| 22-DEC-10 00:00:00|5250.00| 2500.00|  30
  9104| JONES, JR.| MANAGER |7839| 02-APR-09 00:00:00|7975.00|        |  20
(4 rows)

Fixed-width field data file

This control file loads the same rows into the emp table. It uses a data file containing fixed-width fields. The FIELDS TERMINATED BY and OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY clauses are absent. Instead, each field includes the POSITION clause.

  INFILE 'emp_fixed.dat'
    BADFILE 'emp_fixed.bad'
    empno POSITION (1:4),
    ename POSITION (5:14),
    job POSITION (15:23),
    mgr POSITION (24:27),
    hiredate POSITION (28:38),
    sal POSITION (39:46),
    deptno POSITION (47:48),
    comm POSITION (49:56)

The following is the corresponding data file containing fixed-width fields:

9101ROGERS    CLERK    790217-DEC-10    1980.0020
9102PETERSON  SALESMAN 769820-DEC-10    2600.0030 2300.00
9103WARREN    SALESMAN 769822-DEC-10    5250.0030 2500.00
9104JONES, JR.MANAGER  783902-APR-09    7975.0020

Single physical record data file – RECORDS DELIMITED BY clause

This control file loads the same rows into the emp table but uses a data file with one physical record. Terminate each record loaded as a row in the table using a semicolon (;). The RECORDS DELIMITED BY clause specifies this value.

  INFILE 'emp_recdelim.dat'
    BADFILE 'emp_recdelim.bad'

The following is the corresponding data file. The content is a single physical record in the data file. The record delimiter character is included following the last record, that is, at the end of the file.


FILLER clause

This control file uses the FILLER clause in the data fields for the sal and comm columns. EDB*Loader ignores the values in these fields and sets the corresponding columns to null.

  INFILE       'emp_fixed.dat'
    BADFILE    'emp_fixed.bad'
    empno       POSITION (1:4),
    ename       POSITION (5:14),
    job         POSITION (15:23),
    mgr         POSITION (24:27),
    hiredate    POSITION (28:38),
    sal         FILLER POSITION (39:46),
    deptno      POSITION (47:48),
    comm        FILLER POSITION (49:56)

Using the same fixed-width data file as in the prior fixed-width field example, the resulting rows in the table appear as follows:

SELECT * FROM emp WHERE empno > 9100;
empno| ename     | job     | mgr|   hiredate        | sal   | comm   |deptno
  9101| ROGERS    | CLERK   |7902| 17-DEC-10 00:00:00|       |        |  20
  9102| PETERSON  | SALESMAN|7698| 20-DEC-10 00:00:00|       |        |  30
  9103| WARREN    | SALESMAN|7698| 22-DEC-10 00:00:00|       |        |  30
  9104| JONES, JR.| MANAGER |7839| 02-APR-09 00:00:00|       |        |  20
(4 rows)


This control file uses the BOUNDFILLER clause in the data fields for the job and mgr columns. EDB*Loader ignores the values in these fields and sets the corresponding columns to null in the same manner as the FILLER clause. However, unlike columns with the FILLER clause, you can use columns with the BOUNDFILLER clause in an expression, as shown for column jobdesc.

  INFILE    'emp.dat'
    BADFILE 'emp.bad'
  INTO TABLE empjob
    job          BOUNDFILLER,
    mgr          BOUNDFILLER,
    hiredate     FILLER,
    sal          FILLER,
    deptno       FILLER,
    comm         FILLER,
    jobdesc      ":job || ' for manager ' || :mgr"

The following is the delimiter-separated data file used in this example:

9104,"JONES, JR.",MANAGER,7839,02-APR-09,7975.00,20

The following table is loaded using the preceding control file and data file:

    empno               NUMBER(4) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT empjob_pk PRIMARY KEY,
    ename               VARCHAR2(10),
    job                 VARCHAR2(9),
    mgr                 NUMBER(4),
    jobdesc             VARCHAR2(25)

The resulting rows in the table appear as follows:

SELECT * FROM empjob;
empno |    ename   | job | mgr |         jobdesc
 9101  | ROGERS     |     |     | CLERK for manager 7902
 9102  | PETERSON   |     |     | SALESMAN for manager 7698
 9103  | WARREN     |     |     | SALESMAN for manager 7698
 9104  | JONES, JR. |     |     | MANAGER for manager 7839
(4 rows)

Field types with length specification

This control file contains the field type clauses with the length specification:

  INFILE 'emp_fixed.dat'
    BADFILE 'emp_fixed.bad'
    empno       CHAR(4),
    ename       CHAR(10),
    job         POSITION (15:23) CHAR(9),
    mgr         INTEGER EXTERNAL(4),
    hiredate    DATE(11) "DD-MON-YY",
    sal         DECIMAL EXTERNAL(8),
    deptno      POSITION (47:48),
    comm        POSITION (49:56) DECIMAL EXTERNAL(8)

You can use the POSITION clause and the fieldtype(length) clause individually or in combination as long as each field definition contains at least one of the two clauses.

The following is the corresponding data file containing fixed-width fields:

9101ROGERS     CLERK      790217-DEC-10  1980.0020
9102PETERSON   SALESMAN   769820-DEC-10  2600.0030  2300.00
9103WARREN     SALESMAN   769822-DEC-10  5250.0030  2500.00
9104JONES, JR. MANAGER    783902-APR-09  7975.0020

The resulting rows in the table appear as follows:

SELECT * FROM emp WHERE empno > 9100;
empno| ename     | job     | mgr|   hiredate        | sal   | comm   |deptno
  9101| ROGERS    | CLERK   |7902| 17-DEC-10 00:00:00|1980.00|        |  20
  9102| PETERSON  | SALESMAN|7698| 20-DEC-10 00:00:00|2600.00| 2300.00|  30
  9103| WARREN    | SALESMAN|7698| 22-DEC-10 00:00:00|5250.00| 2500.00|  30
  9104| JONES, JR.| MANAGER |7839| 02-APR-09 00:00:00|7975.00|        |  20
(4 rows)

NULLIF clause

This example uses the NULLIF clause on the sal column to set it to null for employees of job MANAGER. It also uses the clause on the comm column to set it to null if the employee isn't a SALESMAN and isn't in department 30. In other words, a comm value is accepted if the employee is a SALESMAN or is a member of department 30.

The following is the control file:

  INFILE    'emp_fixed_2.dat'
    BADFILE 'emp_fixed_2.bad'
    empno       POSITION (1:4),
    ename       POSITION (5:14),
    job         POSITION (15:23),
    mgr         POSITION (24:27),
    hiredate    POSITION (28:38),
    sal         POSITION (39:46) NULLIF job = 'MANAGER',
    deptno      POSITION (47:48),
    comm        POSITION (49:56) NULLIF job <> 'SALESMAN' AND deptno <> '30'

The following is the corresponding data file:

9101ROGERS       CLERK        790217-DEC-10     1980.0020
9102PETERSON     SALESMAN     769820-DEC-10     2600.0030     2300.00
9103WARREN       SALESMAN     769822-DEC-10     5250.0030     2500.00
9104JONES, JR.   MANAGER      783902-APR-09     7975.0020
9105ARNOLDS      CLERK        778213-SEP-10     3750.0030     800.00
9106JACKSON      ANALYST      756603-JAN-11     4500.0040     2000.00
9107MAXWELL      SALESMAN     769820-DEC-10     2600.0010     1600.00

The resulting rows in the table appear as follows:

SELECT empno, ename, job, NVL(TO_CHAR(sal),'--null--') "sal",
  NVL(TO_CHAR(comm),'--null--') "comm", deptno FROM emp WHERE empno > 9100;
empno |   ename    |    job   |   sal    |   comm   | deptno
  9101 | ROGERS     | CLERK    | 1980.00  | --null-- |   20
  9102 | PETERSON   | SALESMAN | 2600.00  | 2300.00  |   30
  9103 | WARREN     | SALESMAN | 5250.00  | 2500.00  |   30
  9104 | JONES, JR. | MANAGER  | --null-- | --null-- |   20
  9105 | ARNOLDS    | CLERK    | 3750.00  |  800.00  |   30
  9106 | JACKSON    | ANALYST  | 4500.00  | --null-- |   40
  9107 | MAXWELL    | SALESMAN | 2600.00  | 1600.00  |   10
(7 rows)

The sal column for employee JONES, JR. is null since the job is MANAGER.

The comm values from the data file for employees PETERSON, WARREN, ARNOLDS, and MAXWELL are all loaded into the comm column of the emp table since these employees are either SALESMAN or members of department 30.

The comm value of 2000.00 in the data file for employee JACKSON is ignored, and the comm column of the emp table is set to null. This employee isn't a SALESMAN or a member of department 30.

SELECT statement in a field expression

This example uses a SELECT statement in the expression of the field definition to return the value to load into the column:

  INFILE    'emp_fixed.dat'
    BADFILE 'emp_fixed.bad'
    empno       POSITION (1:4),
    ename       POSITION (5:14),
    job         POSITION (15:23) "(SELECT dname FROM dept WHERE deptno = :deptno)",
    mgr         POSITION (24:27),
    hiredate    POSITION (28:38),
    sal         POSITION (39:46),
    deptno      POSITION (47:48),
    comm        POSITION (49:56)

The following is the content of the dept table used in the SELECT statement:

deptno |    dname   |   loc
   20   | RESEARCH   | DALLAS
   30   | SALES      | CHICAGO
(4 rows)

The following is the corresponding data file:

9101ROGERS     CLERK     790217-DEC-10    1980.0020
9102PETERSON   SALESMAN  769820-DEC-10    2600.0030   2300.00
9103WARREN     SALESMAN  769822-DEC-10    5250.0030   2500.00
9104JONES, JR. MANAGER   783902-APR-09    7975.0020

The resulting rows in the table appear as follows:

SELECT * FROM emp WHERE empno > 9100;
empno| ename     | job     | mgr|   hiredate        | sal   | comm   |deptno
  9101| ROGERS    | RESEARCH|7902| 17-DEC-10 00:00:00|1980.00|        |  20
  9102| PETERSON  | SALES   |7698| 20-DEC-10 00:00:00|2600.00| 2300.00|  30
  9103| WARREN    | SALES   |7698| 22-DEC-10 00:00:00|5250.00| 2500.00|  30
  9104| JONES, JR.| RESEARCH|7839| 02-APR-09 00:00:00|7975.00|        |  20
(4 rows)

The job column contains the value from the dname column of the dept table returned by the SELECT statement instead of the job name from the data file.

Multiple INTO TABLE clauses

This example uses multiple INTO TABLE clauses. For this example, two empty tables are created with the same data definition as the emp table. The following CREATE TABLE commands create these two empty tables, without inserting rows from the original emp table:

CREATE TABLE emp_research AS SELECT * FROM emp WHERE deptno = 99;
CREATE TABLE emp_sales AS SELECT * FROM emp WHERE deptno = 99;

This control file contains two INTO TABLE clauses. Without an APPEND clause, it uses the default operation of INSERT. For this operation, the tables emp_research and emp_sales must be empty.

  INFILE        'emp_multitbl.dat'
    BADFILE     'emp_multitbl.bad'
    DISCARDFILE 'emp_multitbl.dsc'
  INTO TABLE emp_research
    WHEN (47:48) = '20'
    empno      POSITION (1:4),
    ename      POSITION (5:14),
    job        POSITION (15:23),
    mgr        POSITION (24:27),
    hiredate   POSITION (28:38),
    sal        POSITION (39:46),
    deptno     CONSTANT '20',
    comm       POSITION (49:56)
  INTO TABLE emp_sales
    WHEN (47:48) = '30'
    empno     POSITION (1:4),
    ename     POSITION (5:14),
    job       POSITION (15:23),
    mgr       POSITION (24:27),
    hiredate  POSITION (28:38),
    sal       POSITION (39:46),
    deptno    CONSTANT '30',
    comm      POSITION (49:56) "ROUND(:comm + (:sal * .25), 0)"

The WHEN clauses specify that when the field designated by columns 47 through 48 contains 20, the record is inserted into the emp_research table. When that same field contains 30, the record is inserted into the emp_sales table. If neither condition is true, the record is written to the discard file emp_multitbl.dsc.

The CONSTANT clause is given for column deptno, so the specified constant value is inserted into deptno for each record. When the CONSTANT clause is used, it must be the only clause in the field definition other than the column name to which the constant value is assigned.

Column comm of the emp_sales table is assigned a SQL expression. Expressions can reference column names by prefixing the column name with a colon character (:).

The following is the corresponding data file:

9101ROGERS     CLERK     790217-DEC-10   1980.0020
9102PETERSON   SALESMAN  769820-DEC-10   2600.0030  2300.00
9103WARREN     SALESMAN  769822-DEC-10   5250.0030  2500.00
9104JONES, JR. MANAGER   783902-APR-09   7975.0020
9105ARNOLDS    CLERK     778213-SEP-10   3750.0010
9106JACKSON    ANALYST   756603-JAN-11   4500.0040

The records for employees ARNOLDS and JACKSON contain 10 and 40 in columns 47 through 48, which don't satisfy any of the WHEN clauses. EDB*Loader writes these two records to the discard file, emp_multitbl.dsc, with the following content:

9105ARNOLDS   CLERK     778213-SEP-10   3750.0010
9106JACKSON   ANALYST   756603-JAN-11   4500.0040

The following are the rows loaded into the emp_research and emp_sales tables:

SELECT * FROM emp_research;
empno  |   ename    |   job   |  mgr |      hiredate      |   sal   | comm | deptno
 9101  | ROGERS     | CLERK   | 7902 | 17-DEC-10 00:00:00 | 1980.00 |      | 20.00
 9104  | JONES, JR. | MANAGER | 7839 | 02-APR-09 00:00:00 | 7975.00 |      | 20.00
(2 rows)
SELECT * FROM emp_sales;
empno  |   ename  |    job   |  mgr |       hiredate     |    sal  |   comm  | deptno
 9102  | PETERSON | SALESMAN | 7698 | 20-DEC-10 00:00:00 | 2600.00 | 2950.00 | 30.00
 9103  | WARREN   | SALESMAN | 7698 | 22-DEC-10 00:00:00 | 5250.00 | 3813.00 | 30.00
(2 rows)

Invoking EDB*Loader

You can run EDB*Loader as superuser or as a normal user. Use the following command to invoke EDB*Loader from the command line:

edbldr [ -d <dbname> ] [ -p <port> ] [ -h <host> ]
[ USERID={ <username/password> | <username>/ | <username> | / } ]
[ { -c | connstr= } <CONNECTION_STRING> ]
[ DATA=<data_file> ]
[ BAD=<bad_file>]
[ DISCARD=<discard_file> ]
[ DISCARDMAX=<max_discard_recs> ]
[ LOG=<log_file> ]
[ PARFILE=<param_file> ]
[ ERRORS=<error_count> ]
[ ROWS=<n> ]
[ SKIP=<skip_count> ]
[ edb_resource_group=<group_name> ]


If you omit the -d option, the -p option, or the -h option, the defaults for the database, port, and host are determined by the same rules as other EDB Postgres Advanced Server utility programs, such as edb-psql.

You can specify parameters listed in the syntax diagram in a parameter file. Exeptions include the -d option, -p option, -h option, and the PARFILE parameter. Specify the parameter file on the command line when you invoke edbldr using PARFILE=param_file. You can specify some parameters in the OPTIONS clause in the control file. For more information on the control file, see Building the EDB*Loader control file.

You can include the full directory path or a relative directory path to the file name when specifying control_file, data_file, bad_file, discard_file, log_file, and param_file. If you specify the file name alone or with a relative directory path, the file is assumed to exist in the case of control_file, data_file, or param_file relative to the current working directory from which edbldr is invoked. In the case of bad_file, discard_file, or log_file, the file is created.


The control file must exist in the character set encoding of the client where edbldr is invoked. If the client is in an encoding different from the database encoding, then you must set the PGCLIENTENCODING environment variable on the client to the client’s encoding prior to invoking edbldr. This technique ensures character set conversion between the client and the database server is done correctly.

The operating system account used to invoke edbldr must have read permission on the directories and files specified by control_file, data_file, and param_file.

The operating system account enterprisedb must have write permission on the directories where bad_file, discard_file, and log_file are written.


The file names for control_file, data_file, bad_file, discard_file, and log_file must include the extensions .ctl, .dat, .bad, .dsc, and .log, respectively. If the provided file name doesn't contain an extension, EDB*Loader assumes the actual file name includes the appropriate extension.



Name of the database containing the tables to load.


Port number on which the database server is accepting connections.


IP address of the host on which the database server is running.

USERID={ username/password | username/ | username | / }

EDB*Loader connects to the database with username. username must be a superuser or a username with the required privileges. password is the password for username.

If you omit the USERID parameter, EDB*Loader prompts for username and password. If you specify USERID=username/, then EDB*Loader either:

  • Uses the password file specified by environment variable PGPASSFILE if PGPASSFILE is set

  • Uses the .pgpass password file (pgpass.conf on Windows systems) if PGPASSFILE isn't set

    If you specify USERID=username, then EDB*Loader prompts for password. If you specify USERID=/, the connection is attempted using the operating system account as the user name.


    EDB*Loader ignores the EDB Postgres Advanced Server connection environment variables PGUSER and PGPASSWORD. See the PostgreSQL core documentation for information on the PGPASSFILE environment variable and the password file.



The -c or connstr= option allows you to specify all the connection parameters supported by libpq. With this option, you can also specify SSL connection parameters or other connection parameters supported by libpq. If you provide connection options such as -d, -h, -p or userid=dbuser/dbpass separately, they might override the values provided by the -c or connstr= option.


control_file specifies the name of the control file containing EDB*Loader directives. If you don't specify a file extension, an extension of .ctl is assumed.

For more information on the control file, see Building the EDB*Loader control file.


data_file specifies the name of the file containing the data to load into the target table. If you don't specify a file extension, an extension of .dat is assumed. Specifying a data_file on the command line overrides the INFILE clause specified in the control file.

For more information about data_file, see Building the EDB*Loader control file.


bad_file specifies the name of a file that receives input data records that can't be loaded due to errors. Specifying a bad_file on the command line overrides any BADFILE clause specified in the control file.

For more information about bad_file, see Building the EDB*Loader control file.


discard_file is the name of the file that receives input data records that don't meet any table’s selection criteria. Specifying a discard_file on the command line overrides the DISCARDFILE clause in the control file.

For more information about discard_file, see Building the EDB*Loader control file.


max_discard_recs is the maximum number of discarded records that can be encountered from the input data records before terminating the EDB*Loader session. Specifying max_discard_recs on the command line overrides the DISCARDMAX or DISCARDS clause in the control file.

For more information about max_discard_recs, see Building the EDB*Loader control file.


If any record insertion fails due to a unique constraint violation, EDB*Loader aborts the entire operation. You can instruct EDB*Loader to instead move the duplicate record to the BAD file and continue processing by setting HANDLE_CONFLICTS to TRUE. This behavior applies only if indexes are present. By default, HANDLE_CONFLICTS is set to FALSE.

Setting HANDLE_CONFLICTS to TRUE isn't supported with direct path loading. If you set this parameter to TRUE when direct path loading, EDB*Loader throws an error.


log_file specifies the name of the file in which EDB*Loader records the results of the EDB*Loader session.

If you omit the LOG parameter, EDB*Loader creates a log file with the name control_file_base.log in the directory from which edbldr is invoked. control_file_base is the base name of the control file used in the EDB*Loader session. The operating system account enterprisedb must have write permission on the directory where the log file is written.


param_file specifies the name of the file that contains command line parameters for the EDB*Loader session. You can specify command line parameters listed in this section in param_file instead of on the command line. Exceptions are the -d, -p, and -h options, and the PARFILE parameter.

Any parameter given in param_file overrides the same parameter supplied on the command line before the PARFILE option. Any parameter given on the command line that appears after the PARFILE option overrides the same parameter given in param_file.

!!! Note Unlike other EDB*Loader files, there's no default file name or extension assumed for param_file. However, by Oracle SQL*Loader convention, .par is typically used as an extension. It isn't required.


If DIRECT is set to TRUE EDB*Loader performs a direct path load instead of a conventional path load. The default value of DIRECT is FALSE.

Don't set DIRECT=true when loading the data into a replicated table. If you're using EDB*Loader to load data into a replicated table and set DIRECT=true, indexes might omit rows that are in a table or might contain references to rows that were deleted. EnterpriseDB doesn't support direct inserts to load data into replicated tables.

For information about direct path loads, see Direct path load.


Set FREEZE to TRUE to copy the data with the rows frozen. A tuple guaranteed to be visible to all current and future transactions is marked as frozen to prevent transaction ID wraparound. For more information about frozen tuples, see the PostgreSQL core documentation.

You must specify a data-loading type of TRUNCATE in the control file when using the FREEZE option. FREEZE isn't supported for direct loading.

By default, FREEZE is FALSE.


error_count specifies the number of errors permitted before aborting the EDB*Loader session. The default is 50.


Set PARALLEL to TRUE to indicate that this EDB*Loader session is one of a number of concurrent EDB*Loader sessions participating in a parallel direct path load. The default value of PARALLEL is FALSE.

When PARALLEL is TRUE, the DIRECT parameter must also be set to TRUE.

For more information about parallel direct path loads, see Parallel direct path load.


n specifies the number of rows that EDB*Loader commits before loading the next set of n rows.


Number of records at the beginning of the input data file to skip before loading begins. The default is 0.


If set to TRUE, index maintenance isn't performed as part of a direct path load, and indexes on the loaded table are marked as invalid. The default value of SKIP_INDEX_MAINTENANCE is FALSE.

During a parallel direct path load, target table indexes aren't updated. They are marked as invalid after the load is complete.

You can use the REINDEX command to rebuild an index. For more information about the REINDEX command, see the PostgreSQL core documentation.


group_name specifies the name of an EDB Resource Manager resource group to which to assign the EDB*Loader session.

Any default resource group that was assigned to the session is overridden by the resource group given by the edb_resource_group parameter specified on the edbldr command line. An example of such a group is a database user running the EDB*Loader session who was assigned a default resource group with the ALTER ROLE ... SET edb_resource_group command.


This example invokes EDB*Loader using a control file named emp.ctl to load a table in database edb. The file is located in the current working directory.

$ /usr/edb/as14/bin/edbldr -d edb USERID=enterprisedb/password
EDB*Loader: Copyright (c) 2007-2021, EnterpriseDB Corporation.

Successfully loaded (4) records

In this example, EDB*Loader prompts for the user name and password since they are omitted from the command line. In addition, the files for the bad file and log file are specified with the BAD and LOG command line parameters.

$ /usr/edb/as14/bin/edbldr -d edb CONTROL=emp.ctl BAD=/tmp/emp.bad
Enter the user name : enterprisedb
Enter the password :
EDB*Loader: Copyright (c) 2007-2021, EnterpriseDB Corporation.

Successfully loaded (4) records

This example runs EDB*Loader using a parameter file located in the current working directory. The SKIP and ERRORS parameter default values are specified in the parameter file in addition the CONTROL, BAD, and LOG files. The parameter file, emp.par, contains the following:


Invoke EDB*Loader with the parameter file:

$ /usr/edb/as14/bin/edbldr -d edb PARFILE=emp.par
Enter the user name : enterprisedb
Enter the password :
EDB*Loader: Copyright (c) 2007-2021, EnterpriseDB Corporation.

Successfully loaded (3) records

This example invokes EDB*Loader using a connstr= option that uses the emp.ctl control file located in the current working directory to load a table in a database named edb:

$ /usr/edb/as14/bin/edbldr connstr=\"sslmode=verify-ca sslcompression=0
host= dbname=edb port=5444 user=enterprisedb\" CONTROL=emp.ctl
EDB*Loader: Copyright (c) 2007-2021, EnterpriseDB Corporation.

Successfully loaded (4) records

This example invokes EDB*Loader using a normal user. For this example, one empty table bar is created and a normal user bob is created. The bob user is granted all privileges on the table bar. The CREATE TABLE command creates the empty table. The CREATE USER command creates the user and the GRANT command gives required privileges to the user bob on the bar table:

CREATE TABLE bar(i int); 
CREATE USER bob identified by '123';
GRANT ALL on bar TO bob;

The control file and data file:

## Control file
EDBAS/ - (master) $ cat /tmp/edbldr.ctl 
LOAD DATA INFILE '/tmp/edbldr.dat'
truncate into table bar
i position(1:1)

## Data file
EDBAS/ - (master) $ cat /tmp/edbldr.dat 

Invoke EDB*Loader:

EDBAS/ - (master) $ /usr/edb/as15/bin/edbldr -d edb userid=bob/123 control=/tmp/edbldr.ctl
EDB*Loader: Copyright (c) 2007-2022, EnterpriseDB Corporation.

Successfully loaded (4) records

Exit codes

When EDB*Loader exits, it returns one of the following codes:

Exit codeDescription
0Indicates that all rows loaded successfully.
1Indicates that EDB*Loader encountered command line or syntax errors or aborted the load operation due to an unrecoverable error.
2Indicates that the load completed, but some (or all) rows were rejected or discarded.
3Indicates that EDB*Loader encountered fatal errors (such as OS errors). This class of errors is equivalent to the FATAL or PANIC severity levels of PostgreSQL errors.

Direct path load

During a direct path load, EDB*Loader writes the data directly to the database pages, which is then synchronized to disk. The insert processing associated with a conventional path load is bypassed, resulting in a performance improvement.

Bypassing insert processing reduces the types of constraints on the target table. The following types of constraints are permitted on the target table of a direct path load:

  • Primary key
  • Not null constraints
  • Indexes (unique or non-unique)

The following are restrictions on the target table of a direct path load:

  • Triggers aren't permitted.
  • Check constraints aren't permitted.
  • Foreign key constraints on the target table referencing another table aren't permitted.
  • Foreign key constraints on other tables referencing the target table aren't permitted.
  • You must not partition the table.
  • Rules can exist on the target table, but they aren't executed.

Currently, a direct path load in EDB*Loader is more restrictive than in Oracle SQL*Loader. The preceding restrictions don't apply to Oracle SQL*Loader in most cases. The following restrictions apply to a control file used in a direct path load:

  • Multiple table loads aren't supported. You can specify only one INTO TABLE clause in the control file.
  • You can't use SQL expressions in the data field definitions of the INTO TABLE clause.
  • The FREEZE option isn't supported for direct path loading.

To run a direct path load, add the DIRECT=TRUE option:

$ /usr/edb/as14/bin/edbldr -d edb USERID=enterprisedb/password
EDB*Loader: Copyright (c) 2007-2021, EnterpriseDB Corporation.

Successfully loaded (4) records

Parallel direct path load

You can further improve the performance of a direct path load by distributing the loading process over two or more sessions running concurrently. Each session runs a direct path load into the same table.

Since the same table is loaded from multiple sessions, the input records to load into the table must be divided among several data files. This way, each EDB*Loader session uses its own data file, and the same record isn't loaded into the table more than once.

The target table of a parallel direct path load is under the same restrictions as a direct path load run in a single session.

The following are the restrictions on the target table of a direct path load:

  • Triggers aren't permitted.
  • Check constraints aren't permitted.
  • Foreign key constraints on the target table referencing another table aren't permitted.
  • Foreign key constraints on other tables referencing the target table aren't permitted.
  • You must not partition the table.
  • Rules can exist on the target table, but they aren't executed.

In addition, you must specify the APPEND clause in the control file used by each EDB*Loader session.

To run a parallel direct path load, run EDB*Loader in a separate session for each participant of the parallel direct path load. You must include the DIRECT=TRUE and PARALLEL=TRUE parameters when invoking each such EDB*Loader session.

Each EDB*Loader session runs as an independent transaction. Aborting and rolling back changes of one of the parallel sessions doesn't affect the loading done by the other parallel sessions.


In a parallel direct path load, each EDB*Loader session reserves a fixed number of blocks in the target table using turns. Some of the blocks in the last allocated chunk might not be used, and those blocks remain uninitialized. A later use of the VACUUM command on the target table might show warnings about these uninitialized blocks, such as the following:

WARNING: relation "emp" page 98264 is uninitialized --- fixing

WARNING: relation "emp" page 98265 is uninitialized --- fixing

WARNING: relation "emp" page 98266 is uninitialized --- fixing

This behavior is expected and doesn't indicate data corruption.

Indexes on the target table aren't updated during a parallel direct path load. They are therefore marked as invalid after the load is complete. You must use the REINDEX command to rebuild the indexes.

This example shows the use of a parallel direct path load on the emp table.


If you attempt a parallel direct path load on the sample emp table provided with EDB Postgres Advanced Server, you must first remove the triggers and constraints referencing the emp table. In addition, the primary key column, empno, was expanded from NUMBER(4) to NUMBER in this example to allow for inserting more rows.

This is the control file used in the first session:

  INFILE    '/home/user/loader/emp_parallel_1.dat'

You must specify the APPEND clause in the control file for a parallel direct path load.

This example invokes EDB*Loader in the first session. You must specify the DIRECT=TRUE and PARALLEL=TRUE parameters.

$ /usr/edb/as14/bin/edbldr -d edb USERID=enterprisedb/password
WARNING: index maintenance will be skipped with PARALLEL load
EDB*Loader: Copyright (c) 2007-2021, EnterpriseDB Corporation.

The control file used for the second session appears as follows. It's the same as the one used in the first session, but it uses a different data file.

  INFILE '/home/user/loader/emp_parallel_2.dat'

This control file is used in a second session:

$ /usr/edb/as14/bin/edbldr -d edb USERID=enterprisedb/password
WARNING: index maintenance will be skipped with PARALLEL load
EDB*Loader: Copyright (c) 2007-2021, EnterpriseDB Corporation.

EDB*Loader displays the following message in each session when the load operation completes:

Successfully loaded (10000) records

This query shows that the index on the emp table was marked INVALID:

SELECT index_name, status FROM user_indexes WHERE table_name = 'EMP';
index_name | status
 (1 row)

user_indexes is the view of indexes compatible with Oracle databases owned by the current user.

Queries on the emp table don't use the index unless you rebuild it using the REINDEX command:


A later query on user_indexes shows that the index is now marked as VALID:

SELECT index_name, status FROM user_indexes WHERE table_name = 'EMP';
index_name | status
   EMP_PK    | VALID
 (1 row)

Remote loading

EDB*Loader supports a feature called remote loading. In remote loading, the database containing the table to load is running on a database server on a host different from the one where EDB*Loader is invoked with the input data source.

This feature is useful if you have a large amount of data to load, and you don't want to create a large data file on the host running the database server.

In addition, you can use the standard input feature to pipe the data from the data source, such as another program or script, directly to EDB*Loader. EDB*Loader then loads the table in the remote database. This feature bypasses having to create a data file on disk for EDB*Loader.

Performing remote loading along with using standard input requires the following:

  • The edbldr program must be installed on the client host on which to invoke it with the data source for the EDB*Loader session.
  • The control file must contain the clause INFILE 'stdin' so you can pipe the data directly into EDB*Loader’s standard input. For information on the INFILE clause and the EDB*Loader control file, see Building the EDB*Loader control file.
  • All files used by EDB*Loader, such as the control file, bad file, discard file, and log file, must reside on or be created on the client host on which edbldr is invoked.
  • When invoking EDB*Loader, use the -h option to specify the IP address of the remote database server. For more information, see Invoking EDB*Loader.
  • Use the operating system pipe operator (|) or input redirection operator (<) to supply the input data to EDB*Loader.

This example loads a database running on a database server at using data piped from a source named datasource:

datasource | ./edbldr -d edb -h USERID=enterprisedb/password

This example also shows how you can use standard input:

./edbldr -d edb -h USERID=enterprisedb/password
CONTROL=remote.ctl < datasource

Updating a table with a conventional path load

You can use EDB*Loader with a conventional path load to update the rows in a table, merging new data with the existing data. When you invoke EDB*Loader to perform an update, the server searches the table for an existing row with a matching primary key:

  • If the server locates a row with a matching key, it replaces the existing row with the new row.
  • If the server doesn't locate a row with a matching key, it adds the new row to the table.

To use EDB*Loader to update a table, the table must have a primary key. You can't use EDB*Loader to update a partitioned table.

To perform UPDATE, use the same steps as when performing a conventional path load:

  1. Create a data file that contains the rows you want to update or insert.
  2. Define a control file that uses the INFILE keyword to specify the name of the data file. For information about building the EDB*Loader control file, see Building the EDB*Loader control file.
  3. Invoke EDB*Loader, specifying the database name, connection information, and the name of the control file. For information about invoking EDB*Loader, see Invoking EDB*Loader.

This example uses the emp table that's distributed with the EDB Postgres Advanced Server sample data. By default, the table contains:

edb=# select * from emp;
empno|ename |   job   |  mgr |       hiredate     |   sal    | comm  | deptno
-----+------+---------+------+--------------------+--------- +-------+--------
7369 |SMITH |CLERK    | 7902 | 17-DEC-80 00:00:00 | 800.00   |       |   20
7499 |ALLEN |SALESMAN | 7698 | 20-FEB-81 00:00:00 | 1600.00  |300.00 |   30
7521 |WARD  |SALESMAN | 7698 | 22-FEB-81 00:00:00 | 1250.00  |500.00 |   30
7566 |JONES |MANAGER  | 7839 | 02-APR-81 00:00:00 | 2975.00  |       |   20
7654 |MARTIN|SALESMAN | 7698 | 28-SEP-81 00:00:00 | 1250.00  |1400.00|   30
7698 |BLAKE |MANAGER  | 7839 | 01-MAY-81 00:00:00 | 2850.00  |       |   30
7782 |CLARK |MANAGER  | 7839 | 09-JUN-81 00:00:00 | 2450.00  |       |   10
7788 |SCOTT |ANALYST  | 7566 | 19-APR-87 00:00:00 | 3000.00  |       |   20
7839 |KING  |PRESIDENT|      | 17-NOV-81 00:00:00 | 5000.00  |       |   10
7844 |TURNER|SALESMAN | 7698 | 08-SEP-81 00:00:00 | 1500.00  | 0.00  |   30
7876 |ADAMS |CLERK    | 7788 | 23-MAY-87 00:00:00 | 1100.00  |       |   20
7900 |JAMES |CLERK    | 7698 | 03-DEC-81 00:00:00 | 950.00   |       |   30
7902 |FORD  |ANALYST  | 7566 | 03-DEC-81 00:00:00 | 3000.00  |       |   20
7934 |MILLER|CLERK    | 7782 | 23-JAN-82 00:00:00 | 1300.00  |       |   10
(14 rows)

This control file (emp_update.ctl) specifies the fields in the table in a comma-delimited list. The control file performs an UPDATE on the emp table.

  INFILE 'emp_update.dat'
  BADFILE 'emp_update.bad'
  DISCARDFILE 'emp_update.dsc'
(empno, ename, job, mgr, hiredate, sal, comm, deptno)

The data that's being updated or inserted is saved in the emp_update.dat file. emp_update.dat contains:

7521,WARD,MANAGER,7839,22-FEB-81 00:00:00,3000.00,0.00,30
7566,JONES,MANAGER,7839,02-APR-81 00:00:00,3500.00,0.00,20
7903,BAKER,SALESMAN,7521,10-JUN-13 00:00:00,1800.00,500.00,20
7904,MILLS,SALESMAN,7839,13-JUN-13 00:00:00,1800.00,500.00,20
7654,MARTIN,SALESMAN,7698,28-SEP-81 00:00:00,1500.00,400.00,30

Invoke EDB*Loader, specifying the name of the database (edb), the name of a database user and their associated password, and the name of the control file (emp_update.ctl):

edbldr -d edb userid=user_name/password control=emp_update.ctl

After performing the update, the emp table contains:

edb=# select * from emp;
empno|ename |   job   |  mgr |      hiredate      |   sal   |  comm  | deptno
7369 |SMITH |CLERK    | 7902 | 17-DEC-80 00:00:00 | 800.00  |        |  20
7499 |ALLEN |SALESMAN | 7698 | 20-FEB-81 00:00:00 | 1600.00 | 300.00 |  30
7521 |WARD  |MANAGER  | 7839 | 22-FEB-81 00:00:00 | 3000.00 | 0.00   |  30
7566 |JONES |MANAGER  | 7839 | 02-APR-81 00:00:00 | 3500.00 | 0.00   |  20
7654 |MARTIN|SALESMAN | 7698 | 28-SEP-81 00:00:00 | 1500.00 | 400.00 |  30
7698 |BLAKE |MANAGER  | 7839 | 01-MAY-81 00:00:00 | 2850.00 |        |  30
7782 |CLARK |MANAGER  | 7839 | 09-JUN-81 00:00:00 | 2450.00 |        |  10
7788 |SCOTT |ANALYST  | 7566 | 19-APR-87 00:00:00 | 3000.00 |        |  20
7839 |KING  |PRESIDENT|      | 17-NOV-81 00:00:00 | 5000.00 |        |  10
7844 |TURNER|SALESMAN | 7698 | 08-SEP-81 00:00:00 | 1500.00 | 0.00   |  30
7876 |ADAMS |CLERK    | 7788 | 23-MAY-87 00:00:00 | 1100.00 |        |  20
7900 |JAMES |CLERK    | 7698 | 03-DEC-81 00:00:00 | 950.00  |        |  30
7902 |FORD  |ANALYST  | 7566 | 03-DEC-81 00:00:00 | 3000.00 |        |  20
7903 |BAKER |SALESMAN | 7521 | 10-JUN-13 00:00:00 | 1800.00 | 500.00 |  20
7904 |MILLS |SALESMAN | 7839 | 13-JUN-13 00:00:00 | 1800.00 | 500.00 |  20
7934 |MILLER|CLERK    | 7782 | 23-JAN-82 00:00:00 | 1300.00 |        |  10
(16 rows)

The rows containing information for the three employees that are currently in the emp table are updated, while rows are added for the new employees (BAKER and MILLS).