Default component locations v15
The package managers for the various Linux variations install EDB Postgres Advanced Server components in different locations. If you need to access the components after installation, see:
RHEL/OL/Rocky Linux/AlmaLinux/CentOS/SLES Locations
The RPM installers place EDB Postgres Advanced Server components in the directories listed in the table below:
Component | Location |
Executables | /usr/edb/as15/bin |
Libraries | /usr/edb/as15/lib |
Cluster configuration files | /etc/edb/as15 |
Documentation | /usr/edb/as15/share/doc |
Contrib | /usr/edb/as15/share/contrib |
Data | /var/lib/edb/as15/data |
Logs | /var/log/as15 |
Lock files | /var/lock/as15 |
Log rotation file | /etc/logrotate.d/as15 |
Sudo configuration file | /etc/sudoers.d/as15 |
Binary to access VIP without sudo | /usr/edb/as15/bin/secure |
Backup area | /var/lib/edb/as15/backups |
Templates | /usr/edb/as15/share |
Procedural Languages | /usr/edb/as15/lib or /usr/edb/as15/lib64 |
Development Headers | /usr/edb/as15/include |
Shared data | /usr/edb/as15/share |
Regression tests | /usr/edb/as15/lib/pgxs/src/test/regress |
SGML Documentation | /usr/edb/as15/share/doc |
Debian/Ubuntu Locations
The Debian package manager places EDB Postgres Advanced Server and supporting components in the directories listed in the following table:
Component | Location |
Server | /usr/lib/edb-as/15/ |
Data and Configuration Directory | /var/lib/edb-as/15/main /etc/edb-as/15/main/ |
pgAgent | /usr/lib/edb-as/15 |
Pgpool | /usr/edb/pgpool4.1/ |
Postgis | /usr/lib/edb-as/15/ |
PGSNMPD | /usr/lib/edb-as/15 |
Slony Replication | /usr/lib/edb-as/15 |
pgBouncer | /usr/edb/pgbouncer1.15/ |
pgBouncer Configuration Files | /etc/edb/pgbouncer1.15/pgbouncer.ini /etc/edb/pgbouncer1.15/userlist.txt |
SQL-Profiler | /usr/lib/edb-as/15/lib |
SQL-Protect | /usr/lib/edb-as/15/lib |
SSLUTILS | /usr/lib/edb-as/15/lib |
PL-PERL | /usr/lib/edb-as/15/lib |
PL-PYTHON | /usr/lib/edb-as/15/lib |
PLTCL | /usr/lib/edb-as/15/lib |
EFM | /usr/edb/efm-4.1/ |
JDBC | /usr/edb/jdbc |
MTK | /usr/edb/migrationtoolkit/ |