EDB Postgres Advanced Server v15

EDB Postgres Advanced Server adds extended functionality to the open-source PostgreSQL database. The extended functionality supports database administration, enhanced SQL capabilities, database and application security, performance monitoring and analysis, and application development utilities, including:

  • Enhanced compatibility features.
  • Database administration. These features and tools are helpful to the database administrator:
    • Index Advisor helps to determine the additional indexes needed on tables to improve application performance.
    • SQL Profiler locates and diagnoses poorly running SQL queries in applications.
    • pgsnmpd is an SNMP agent that returns hierarchical monitoring information regarding the current state of EDB Postgres Advanced Server.
  • EDB Resource Manager. This feature helps you to control system resource use by EDB Postgres Advanced Server processes.
    • Resource groups help you to create and maintain the groups on which you can define resource limits.
    • CPU usage throttling is a method for controlling CPU usage by EDB Postgres Advanced Server processes.
    • Dirty buffer throttling is a method for controlling the dirty rate of shared buffers by EDB Postgres Advanced Server processes.
  • The libpq C library, the C application programming interface (API) language for EDB Postgres Advanced Server.
  • The PL Debugger, a graphically oriented debugging tool for PL/pgSQL.
  • Performance analysis and tuning. Various tools are available for analyzing and improving application and database server performance:
    • Dynatune provides a quick and easy means for configuring EDB Postgres Advanced Server depending on the type of application use.
    • EDB wait states provides a way to capture wait events and other data for performance diagnosis.
  • The EDB clone schema feature lets you copy a schema and its database objects in a single database or from one database to another database.
  • Enhanced SQL and other features provide additional flexibility and convenience.
  • Additional system catalog tables are available for EDB Postgres Advanced Server-specific database objects.
  • EDB Postgres Advanced Server exception descriptions include the predefined exceptions, SQLstate values, associated redwood error code, and description of the exceptions.
  • EDB Postgres Advanced Server keywords are the words that EDB Postgres Advanced Server recognizes as keywords.

For information about the features that are shared by EDB Postgres Advanced Server and PostgreSQL, see the PostgreSQL core documentation.