Connect to your cluster using psql


All of the parameters you need to connect can be found on the portal by selecting the name of your cluster on the Clusters page and then selecting the Connect tab.

psql is the standard PostgreSQL REPL and an all-around useful tool for working with PostgreSQL databases. In addition to letting you submit SQL and view the results, it offers quite a few built-in commands for inspecting and managing the database that make light work of even complex tasks.

You can find an example of connecting to a BigAnimal cluster via psql right on your cluster's Overview tab on the portal. For example:

psql -W "postgres://"

The URI is all that's necessary for psql. While you can pass each element of that URL individually (pulling the information from the Connect tab on the portal, for instance), psql will happily parse it out for you (and prompt for the password).

In case you're unfamiliar with PostgreSQL's URI format, you can find it documented on

EDB Postgres Advanced Server enhancements

If your cluster is running EDB Postgres Advanced Server, you might wish to install the version of psql that ships with it; there are a few nice additions such as tab completion for Oracle database-compatible syntax. However, the standard PostgreSQL client works with EDB Postgres Advanced Server as well.

Next steps


Further reading

Connecting to your cluster in the full version documentation.