Reviewing account activity

The activity logs collect BigAnimal events based on user activity in the portal. There is an organization-level log available users with organization roles and a project-level log. You can use the log to audit activities performed by users from your organizations or research activities that might have affected your account at either the organization level or the project level.


Events describe actions performed by users. The available actions are:

  • create
  • read
  • update
  • delete

Events are related to the following resource types:

  • cluster
  • data plane
  • user
  • user roles
  • role permissions
  • organization
  • project

Database events are not logging activity on the Postgres server. They are logging the use of the portal to create or modify database clusters.

View and search the activity log

To view events, navigate to the Activity Log page on the BigAnimal portal.

  • The organization-level activity log is available from the dropdown menu next to your organization name in the top right of the portal if you are an organization owner or admin.
  • The project-level activity log is available from the Project menu on the left of the portal.

To search events, use the filters at the top of the page.

The following fields are in the activity logs:

ProjectsProjects in the organization (only available from the organization log)
Activity NameName of an event in the format Action Resource-Type, Resource-name
UserUser responsible for the event
DateDate when the action was performed
ResourceResource type of the resource