Choosing your Backup Tool v2.6

This section provides information on the two alternative back up tools.


EDB recommends BART users move to barman and plans to add the following capabilities soon:

  • Integration with PEM
  • Integration with other backup solutions
  • An API for implementing other integrations

Besides the benefits of choosing the tool that EDB is investing in, Barman is the right choice if you are doing remote backups using the PostgreSQL port and you are not using passwordless ssh. See the Barman documentation for more information.


pgBackRest’s advantages include:

  • Performance benefit for backing up large (multi-terabyte) databases. The internal algorithm for detecting file changes in delta backups adds less overhead, and partial restore allows to restore only one database from a large multi database cluster.
  • Supplies backup compression, which is a planned feature for Barman.

See the pgBackRest documentation for more information.

Tool Comparison

The following selection matrix differentiates between the tools on a generic level:

PostgreSQL protocolYes-
Rate limitingYes-
Custom WAL sizesYesYes ( v11+)
Backup compressionComing soonYes
Partial restore (only selected databases)-Yes
PEM integrationYes-