Basic BART Subcommand Usage v2.6

This section briefly describes the BART subcommands and options. You can invoke the bart program (located in the <BART_HOME>/bin directory) with the desired options and subcommands to manage your BART installation.

To view examples of BART subcommands, see the EDB Backup and Recovery Reference Guide available at the EDB website.

Syntax for invoking BART:

bart [ general_option ]... [ subcommand ] [subcommand_option ]...

  • When invoking a subcommand, the subcommand name is not case-sensitive (that is, the subcommand can be specified in uppercase, lowercase, or mixed case).
  • Each subcommand has a number of its own applicable options that are specified following the subcommand. All options are available in both single-character and multi-character forms.
  • Keywords are case-sensitive; options are generally specified in lowercase unless specified otherwise in this section.
  • When invoking BART, the current user must be the BART user account (operating system user account used to run the BART command line program). For example, enterprisedb or postgres can be selected as the BART user account when the managed database servers are Advanced Server or PostgreSQL respectively.
  • The chosen operating system user account must own the BART backup catalog directory, be able to run the bart program and the bart scanner program, and have a passwordless SSH/SCP connection established between database servers managed by BART.

You can specify one or more of the following general options:

-h --helpDisplays general syntax and information on BART usage. All subcommands support a help option (-h, --help). If the help option is specified, information is displayed regarding that particular subcommand. The subcommand, itself, is not executed.
-v --versionDisplays the BART version information.
-d --debugDisplays debugging output while executing BART subcommands.
-c <config_file_path> --config-path <config_file_path>Specifies config_file_path as the full directory path to a BART configuration file. Use this option if you do not want to use the default BART configuration file <BART_HOME>/etc/bart.cfg.

Troubleshooting: Setting Path Environment Variable

If execution of BART subcommands fails with the following error message, then you need to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the libpq library directory:

./bart: symbol lookup error: ./bart: undefined symbol: PQping

Workaround: Set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable for the BART user account to include the directory containing the libpq library. This directory is POSTGRES_INSTALL_HOME/lib.

It is suggested that the PATH and the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable settings be placed in the BART user account’s profile. See the EDB Backup and Recovery Installation and Upgrade Guide available at the EDB website for details.

In the following sections, the help option is omitted from the syntax diagrams for the purpose of providing readability for the subcommand options.

check_config init backup show_servers show_backups verify_chksum manage restore delete