Maintaining and Cleaning Up v2.6

A transition period is required after the migration. This is because:

  • With an empty repository there will be more situations where a full backup is created, where in a normal situation a differential backup would be taken.
  • The maintenance process of cleaning old backups kicks in only after exceeding the retention period.

During this transition period, extra care needs to be taken on the backups to make sure that any backup issue is identified and fixed. Options include:

  • Increasing monitoring notification levels and decreasing alert thresholds for free space.
  • Planning manual checks of the backups during the migration.

EDB recommends keeping the original backup solution around during this transition period. You may want to keep the systems around for a longer period of time as an extra safety measure or extra rollback option. When the new backup system is fully operational, and the extra rollback time has exceeded, the old systems can be deprovisioned by:

  • Removing the original tool from the system.
  • Deprovisioning the old mount point and storage after the new mount point is attached for the new storage repository.
  • Deprovisioning the old servers If the new tool runs on new servers.